Selection of poems by Jamaluddin Abdul Razaq Isfahani

Poems of Jamaluddin Abdul Razaq Isfahani

Jamal al -Din Muhammad ibn Abdul Razzaq Isfahani is the poet of the sixth century AH and is one of the founders of Iraqi style. Excerpt from the most beautiful Poems of Jamaluddin Abdul Razaq Isfahani We have presented that you can use Instagram for post, capacity and storytelling.


Is it that is from a friend
Because it was ugly not to tell
Oh and one hundred ohs that
The absence of pardon and not.


No more than this.
The leaf. It’s not my crying
My heart and soul though they are my dear
Not in the eating of my souls.
I said to me my talker
Said today is not my head
I took my life and turned off
My sadness is and my grief is not my life.
I have a few
Don’t be your name. My cure is not.
The hearts that do not make no
Oh of this heart that I don’t have


My heart
Can’t let go because you
Wishing your eyes your heart is blood
Because I reject the wish of the disease


That shield
Had sworn not to give up your covenant
This time I broke up on my heart.
My job cho Zulf himself all in one -fold
Cho’s self -covenant
You are unaware of me and Gharah Bahsan
Vienna Barely Hassan’s spell that broke over each other


A highway
Ninth vault
Wallet wheel
On the neck of the old house
Sandy’s neck fog
Black flag
Gabriel Resident of Astan
Your privacy planet
Wheelchain what a high -end, dirt
Has eaten God on bow
Yazd who crushed rival John
Your name row did your name


Help that my heart is his housing
Every moment is the excuse to be with me
Zanja who is Jamal Avi and Badkhui
Ney friend of power read not his enemy


Nish Hajar is a trusted
No connection of you to address
My life in the wake of yes.
Johnny if there is hope for Johnny?
I have become like me.
I’m going to be cho in your waist
That means you are the middle
Said not to give one kiss
Yes, there is a mood in it
Self -speech with a lover
Until you are an oral
Makes the hearts of whatever you can
Keeping after this world world


O love what pain you are not cured
O life what a living that is not your life
O Morning No, you don’t find you.
O night, not my sadness that is not your end.


A heartbroken heart
This story of my pain in the enemy
The wearing all the test he did


What is the fire with the cheek of water
The wedge spilled on the head plate
Such on the emerald
From the show’s show and its right color
Such a bubble water
Of what this water is to cause
Because everyone’s life is from water


Of me now everybody’s wish
Free without blessing on me.
Do not know so much of what they do
Kharashi is the best in their right
By the way
I didn’t say any crowns.


On my chow rose up my servant
That is the absolute world
I grew up in this
Another point here is wisdom
That the point of that uprising
I am so humble.
I rose out of that world

Horoscope Coca -Coca

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