Planting of Caps for Eid + 10 Important Tips

To plant the brunette pepper, which symbolizes freshness and growth in the Haft -Sin table, first prepare fresh and high quality seeds from healthy peppers and store in a dry environment for a few days. Then, to accelerate germination, soak the seeds in lukewarm water for 2 to 4 hours and place in a damp napkin until the germination time. Choose the plant with proper drainage and light and rich soil and plant the seeds at a low depth. Mild irrigation with spray and sufficient moisture and light (1 to 2 hours a day) and temperatures of 1 to 2 degrees Celsius are essential. Start planting from February to have a beautiful vegetable for Nowruz and give a special look to the Haft -Sin table with proper care and decoration.


The importance of planting vegetation

Branch is one of the main components of the Haft -Sin tablecloth, which symbolizes life, greenery and re -nature. Many people are looking to replace wheat, lentils and mung beans to create a variety in their Haft -Sin table. One of the attractive and special options is the planting of the brunette pepper. This plant gives the Nowruz table with glossy and green leaves as well as long -term maintenance, beauty and freshness. Growth of the brunette pepper takes more time than other vegetables, but the end result is worth patience and care.

Choosing the right seed

Choosing the right seed is one of the first and most important stages of planting the brunette pepper. The seeds you choose to plant must be fresh, healthy and high quality to have high germination. Old or unhealthy seeds usually germinate or do not grow later. It is best to prepare the seeds of peppers from reputable agricultural stores or from fresh and healthy peppers. To extract the seed, cut the pepper and remove the seeds inside it. Then put them in a dry napkin and place in a dry, shaded environment for a few days to prepare for planting.

Prepare seeds for planting

To increase germination speed, bell peppers must be prepared before planting. One of the effective ways to accelerate this process is to soak the seeds in lukewarm water for 1 to 2 hours. This will soften the seed shell and increase the possibility of germination. After soaking, place the seeds on a wet paper towel and place it in a closed container or plastic nylon. The humid and warm environment helps to break the seed shell and facilitate germination. After a few days, if small buds are removed from the seeds, they will be ready to plant.

Select the appropriate container and soil

Choosing the right container has a huge impact on the healthy and more beautiful growth of the brunette pepper. The container should have drainage pores on the floor to prevent water accumulation and root rot. For soil, it is best to use a combination of garden soil, leaf soil and sand to provide light and nutritious soil for better seed growth. A soil that is too dense or heavy prevents the growth of the roots and prevents proper plant growth. In addition, before planting, moisten the soil with water to provide suitable conditions for receiving seeds.


After preparing the seeds and the soil, it is time to plant. Put the seeds at a depth of 1 to 2 mm and cover them with a thin layer of soil. The distance between the seeds should be about 1 to 2 cm to provide enough space for growth. After planting, gently moisten the soil with water spray. To create a warm and humid environment, you can cover the container with a transparent nylon coating to create greenhouse conditions. This will maintain moisture and speed up germination.

Irrigation and supply of moisture

Adequate moisture is one of the most important factors for successful seed germination. The soil should be always wet but should not be too irrigation, as high moisture can lead to root rot and fungal growth. The best way to irrigate is to use water spray to maintain uniform moisture in the soil. In the early days, moisten the soil two to three times a day and reduce the number of irrigation times as needed after germination. Also, to maintain moisture, you can place the planting container at a balanced temperature and away from the direct wind.

Light and temperature suitable for growth

Adequate light is essential for proper growth of bell peppers. This plant requires at least 1 to 2 hours of direct sunlight per day for healthy growth. If enough natural light is not available, you can use plant growth lamps. In addition to light, the right temperature is also important. The best temperature for germination of pepper seeds is about 1 to 2 ° C. If your home environment is cold, you can place the pot near the sunshine or on a plant heater pad.

Planting timing for seven sins

One of the most important points in planting bell peppers is planning for the right planting time. It takes at least 1 to 2 weeks to grow and green. So, in order to have a beautiful and lively vegetable in Nowruz, you must start planting from early February. If you take action later, your brunette will not grow enough until the year. If you miss the planting time, you can use the quick germination method in the humid environment to accelerate growth.

Post -germination care

After germination of the seeds, the sensitive phase of the plant’s maintenance begins. Regularly irrigate and make sure the plant receives enough light. If you notice the poor growth of the plant, you can use natural fertilizers such as chopped banana peel or coffee as a soil booster. Also watch out for pests and diseases. If the leaves have yellowing or decay, it indicates excessive irrigation or deficiency of nutrients. Carefully, resolve the potential problems so that your vegetable will stay healthy until Eid al -Adha.

Decorating the brunette

After complete growth, you can decorate the bell peppers to put in the Haft -Sin table. For more beauty, use decorative pots or mattresses. You can also bring around the pot with ribbons, colored stones or decorative stones. If your plant grows enough, you can arrange taller leaves and give it a beautiful shape. This vegetable not only gives your Haft -Sin table a unique look, but after Nowruz you can keep it in the garden or pot and enjoy its continued growth.

More knowledge


For BranFirst, choose a healthy hippage with open scales so that the seeds have enough space to grow. Suitable seeds such as wheat, barley or lentils in the water for 2 to 4 hours and then place in a damp cloth until germination. Carefully attach the seeds to the pine scales with the help of wet cotton or natural glue and moisten daily with water spray. In the early days, cover the pine with transparent plastic and place in a place with indirect light and balanced temperature. Continuously control the moisture and prevent mildew. After 1 to 2 days, the vegetables will be ready to use and decorate with the ribbon, acrylic or LED light for the Haft -Sin table.

Planting the vegetable date

For Planting the vegetable dateSeparate the healthy and fresh nuclei from the ripe dates and soak in the water for 1 to 2 days after washing. Then keep them in a damp napkin to sprout. Choose a long pot with proper drainage and lightweight and rich in sand, leaf soil and organic fertilizer. Plan the germinated nuclei at a depth of 1 to 2 cm and gently irrigation. The date brunette requires enough light and temperatures of 1 to 2 degrees Celsius. Regular irrigation and excessive dryness and moisture prevent caries. With proper care, this beautiful vegetable stays until the end of Nowruz.

Planting orange vegetable

For Planting orange vegetableRemove the healthy and fresh kernels from the oranges, and after washing, soak in lukewarm water for 1 to 2 hours. Then plant the nuclei in light soil rich in the garden, perlite and herbal fertilizer at a depth of one centimeter. Place the pot in indirect light and temperatures of 0 to 2 degrees Celsius and keep the soil moist. With regular irrigation and natural fertilization, you will have a lush green. After Nowruz, you can move it to the garden or keep it as an apartment plant and enjoy its continued growth with proper care.


The most important Coded It can be strengthened by the immune system due to high vitamin C, helping heart health and regulating blood pressure with potassium, improving eye and skin health by beta -carotene, bone strengthening with vitamin K, prevention of cancer due to antioxidants, helping to lose weight with calories. Lower, digestion improved with fiber, and strengthening hair and nerves with vitamin E.

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