20 Mubarak’s congratulatory message.

Half -Sha’ban congratulatory message

A collection of the most beautiful messages and texts greetings Half -Sha’ban Eid And Birth of Prophet Mahdi (AS) We have presented that you can use Instagram and WhatsApp for copies, posts and stories.


Milad with the blessings of Imam Zaman (AS) is an opportunity
To renew and prepare for the era of emergence
Hoping for the day to do the world with his justice
Happy half -Sha’ban


Anniversary of the twelfth flower of Imamate and blessed province


A blessed string when the helper comes back
Retrieved to the grindlers
I fell asleep.
Hoping that that Shahsavar will come back
Birthday of Imam Zaman and Half Celebration of Happy Sha’ban


Or Mehdi (AS), Aurora’s Start, O Honor
Your Milad is an endless rhyme that only God knows the last bit
Come and have good ends of time
Happy half -Sha’ban


Single of our happiness at the celebration of Mehdi Zahra Salamullah Ali
Prayer is a veil
Or Mehdi Adkani


The message of congratulations in advance of the half -Sha’ban

My homes home
Is a small cottage in the plains of anemone
That has a little
When are you coming?
Happy Milad Light


Adina is your eagerness to shine
A plain is in your mind.
A flower garden from Narges and Jasmine
Is the head of that looks to your laughter


Come on that bright morning I wanted
Lighting of the heart and soul, which I wanted
From the breeze of Golshan Al Rasool
Backfed the flowers I wanted
Half -shawl blessed


Remember the poem bit that said:
I’m lost in a flower?
Remember, we all said this Friday?
This Friday is a birthday and the smell of flowers wrapped everywhere on the street
Congratulations on you and I hope you pray tonight for his emergence


A heir to the throne of Mahmoud
Come on
The creation of the wish of the Promised Paradise
Come on in the promised paradise.
Happy Half -Sha’ban Eid


Wait over the glad tidings.
He came from the cradle of Baqa Mehdi Sani Ashir
Waiting for the hidden treasure comes
The peace of the lovers comes
On the roof of the magic of the emergence
Said that the owner of the time is coming
Happy Imam of time to you


The evening of the waiting, celebrated the birth of you, O Narges flower
Our waiting eyes are wet of tears of your birthday, Mehdi Zahra
Blessed wind


Half -Sha’ban greeting message

Text and message congratulatory
Text and message congratulatory

The appearance of the flower makes the sonnet
The name of Mehdi cures hundreds of thousands of pains
The claimant does not come with a flower spring
I have a flower that makes the world a flower
Happy Birth of Imam Zaman (AS)


Coming because the resurrection is justice
And because dawn is a promise of the beginning again for all good
Happy Mahdi Mahdi


The dawn is close if we want
Your appearance is more beautiful than the emergence of all beauties
Eye to the most beautiful way of spring
God how late is waiting
With a hundred tired looks, call you
Let’s all wait for her to come.


Rise up that the authority of God comes
The mercy of the Cobra’s Zahim comes
Pass through Golshan Asgari that dawn
The smell of Narges flower comes out of space
Happy Birth of Imam Zaman (AS)


Waiting for the hidden treasure comes
The peace of the lovers comes
On the roof of the magic of the emergence
Said that the owner of the time is coming
Happy Birth of Imam Zaman (AS)


Your steps kissing our eyes sometimes a flower
The celebration of the birthday was joined by the appearance
Milad Narges Hidden


On your way to waiting
Except for Zahra’s flower
I have no need for God.


Blessed winds of the holy shrine in the morning where the sun and the sky
To under the roof of Narges’ house


Became half the Sha’ban and the world of young patrols
From its pure precedence but Sobhan
That curtain of today’s palace of unity


All is wishing you to look at you
What loser you do to make me wish too
You haven’t gone to someone and see you.
It was everywhere in every language.
I congratulate you this Eid Said


The message of congratulations on the birth of Imam Zaman (AS)

Milad Mehdi (AS), Red by Waiting Songs
Happy to the public of the Muslim world


Happy birthday
A hidden dawn that the people of the earth wish you the smell of your paradise
Always whispering the prayer


Waiting for you all the hearts are restless
O Single Star of Paradise, I do not regret
Hoping for the day that the text of all sms will be one sentence and that:
Mehdi came


Sha’ban and the courier of love came out
The scent of the rest of Allah came
With the appearance of Sajjad and Abolfazl and Hussein
One month and three sun came in this month


Sha’ban is an excuse to be friendly to God
Your moments full of this friendship


The arrival of the Half -Happy Half
The arrival of the Half -Happy Half

I wish you could threaten the tears. Extended a smile time
I wish you could have been close to the moment of the visit
Milad Light in advance of Happy


We had read in a child. That man came in
Unaware that it won’t be raining until that man


The missing piece of low -fly
Have been counted eleven times and one is low again
It’s all the water that flows is not ocean
Sweat is the shame of the earth that the soldier is low
Happy Eid Shabanieh to you


Become heartbroken tonight on the ground
Kills a smile on earth
The sky is heartbroken
Visualizes on Maht
Happy Birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)


Tonight, the Kyrgyz gave the granted to Narges
Lunar Tower Gamed Narges
Be happy to give the wings to Narc.
Get up to give a boy to Narges
Happy Milad


Taken the property
Be heard
Birth of the Last Divine Reserve, Spring Hearts, Yousef Zahra, Congratulations


Say those who come to Eid on Eid
This point is me unlikely
Is the day to be a mandate to say all
Navid’s traveling knee has come
Happy Imam Zaman (AS) Birth


Lord of us greetings of us
To our ears.
Zahra’s injured chest
Rustle facade
Happy Eid


Text of the birth of Prophet Mahdi (AS)

Will mapping in the calendar sheet someday
Official holidays – Day of Prophet Wali Asr
Happy birth to Imam Mahdi (AS)


The appearance of the flower makes the sonnet
The name of Mehdi cures hundreds of thousands of pains
The claimant says it won’t be with a flower spring
I have a flower that makes the world a flower
Happy Eid


Milad Light on you happy
God, give us the understanding of the green era of the emergence of the state of love

Horoscope Coca -Coca

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