A collection of the most beautiful Texts and Messages of Half -Sha’ban Greetings to Students For the capture, profile and Instagram story
Twelfth Flower of Imamate and Provincial Garden,
Imam Mahdi (AS) Mubarak
Rise up that the authority of God comes
The mercy of the Cobra’s Zahim comes
Pass through Golshan Asgari that dawn
The smell of Narges flower comes out of space
Happy half -Sha’ban students to be happy
I wish to be a companion of flowers,
To be of the large generation of wave and sea
I wish that in the sir of one tone
Be of our three hundred and thirteen people
Half -Sha’ban to blessed students
Become heartbroken tonight on the ground
Kills a smile on earth
The sky;
Visualizes on Maht
Birth of Prophet Mahdi (AS) and Half -Sha’ban Mubarak
Waiting for the hidden treasure comes
The peace of the lovers comes
On the roof of the magic of the emergence
They said that the owner was coming. . .
Milad Agha Imam Zaman on Happy Students
The good news of the price is worth the life
The blur of your hair is worth the world
The best gift to Imam Zaman is to leave a sin
I wish you could threaten the tears. Extended a smile time
Milad Noor Before Happy Students Dear Students
Tonight and the sky become passionate
Tonight all the al -Arshi pilgrimage queue
Tonight gives Eid to the lovers of King Najaf
Tonight, too, and get my heart from March.
Because it was born into dignity and dignity
Milad Noor on Happy Students
A heir to the throne of Mahmoud
Come on
The creation of the wish of the Promised Paradise
Come on in the promised paradise.
Happy Sha’ban
On the face of Mehdi Salavat’s light
Mehdi Salavat’s soul and heart
To make the order.
Faraj and the emergence of Mehdi Salavat
Happy Birth of Prophet Mahdi (AS) and Half Sha’ban
Half -Sha’ban breeze,
It brings the pleasant aroma of Jasmine and Narges.
Milad the only savior of the human world,
Happy to you.
Spring owes all its freshness to one goal!
Beautiful Narges flower ..!
To pray for his coming
Half -Sha’ban celebration on blessed students
Became half the Sha’ban and the world of young patrols
From its pure precedence but Sobhan
That curtain of today’s palace of unity
Happy Birth of Imam Zaman (AS)
Break up to the enthusiasm and whispering tonight
Flower of Bani Fatima’s smile tonight
Paradise chicken displaced Mehdi
They are far from Mahdi
Happy Imam of the time.
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