Everything about low cortisol levels and its impact on health + 1 way to maintain cortisol balance

If you’ve ever heard about cortisol, probably named after the phrase “Stress hormoneYou find. Cortisol is a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands, which is what it destroys us in harsh and stressful conditions and prepares for “war or escape”. But is it a good thing to decline in this hormone, which doesn’t seem “lovely”? The short answer is: No! Low levels of cortisol can cause numerous physical and mental problems. In this comprehensive and comprehensive blog, we want to introduce you to the world of cortisol, its vital role in the body, symptoms of reducing it, and ways to deal with this problem. So join us until the end.

Why is cortisol important?

Many of us remember when we hear the name of cortisol StressWe’re getting anxious and heartbeat. But the reality is that life without cortisol will be almost impossible. This valuable hormone to manage many of the body’s vital functions including adjustment Blood sugarBlood pressure, body metabolism and even Sleep cycle Necessary. Our body naturally secretes cortisol in different amounts within 4 hours: more in the morning, less nights. This process is part of our biological rhythm, which is a guarantee of energy and relaxation throughout the day and night.

Now imagine that for whatever reason this regular cycle will disrupt. May stressful lifestyle, Insomnia Constantly, high working stress, or even an underlying disease, cause adrenal glands or even pituitary glands to disrupt their function. It results in the low level of cortisol, or hypochortisolemia that can drain your energy, change your mood, and even endanger your body’s general health.

What does the level of low cortisol mean?

Every hormone in our body has its own natural range, and so is cortisol. Low cortisol surface (hypochortisolm) means the body does not secrete enough cortisol. Various causes may be involved in the event that we will discuss below. But the principle is that when the amount of this hormone decreases in the body, you may not only feel tired, depressed or anxious, but your body’s reaction to everyday stress will be disrupted and even more serious problems.

Low cortisol level range (usual amount)

To know if our cortisol level is really low or we just think we don’t have energy, we must deal with numbers. In the blood test:

  • Morning The natural surface of the cortisol is about 1 to 2 micrograms per dl (MCG/DL).
  • At the end of the day This amount usually decreases to about 1 to 2 micrograms per dl.

If your blood test shows numbers that are lower than these areas, it is best to talk to a physician or endocrinologist to do more careful investigations. Especially if you have significant symptoms, such as excessive weakness, dizziness or sleep problems, this will be more serious.

How low and dangerous cortisol level?

If the name of Adison is eaten, you probably know that the disease is associated with autoimmune destruction and can greatly reduce cortisol production. In such circumstances of danger Adrenal crisis (Adrenal Crisis) is considered an emergency situation. People with this crisis may be double -stressed with physical or mental stress (such as infection, surgery or even severe dehydration) and experience symptoms such as high fever, severe weakness, headache and dangerous blood pressure drops. Do. If this condition is not treated in a timely manner, it can lead to shock and even death. Such a very low level is usually characterized by low -digit numbers (or even close to zero) in the blood test and requires immediate medical interventions.

What causes the surface Cortisol Go down?

Although acute conditions such as adison or severe pituitary gland disorders lead to a very low level of cortisol, in many cases we deal with mild to moderate cortisol decreased due to high -pressure and stressful lifestyle. This situation as Adrenal fatigue (Adrenal Fatigue). In this case, the adrenal glands are so pressurized because of their constant stress and insufficient rest that they are no longer able to produce proper cortisol.

The reasons that can cause adrenal fatigue are:

  • High and long -term job or academic stress
  • Chronic insomnia and disruption of normal sleep rhythm
  • Repeated use of stimulants such as caffeine and energy drinks
  • Sufficient restless exercise
  • Nutritional disorders and nutrient deficiencies
  • Types of stressMental and psychological such as family concerns, financial pressures or losing loved ones

Note that our body in a short -term risk increases cortisol to the reaction of “war or escape”. But when we are constantly in anxiety, stress and everyday rush, this reaction remains active instead of limited times. In the long run, the adrenal glands are worn out and can no longer produce sufficient cortisol.

Symptoms of lower levels of cortisol

You probably have to wake up someday and, for example, sleep for seven or eight hours, still feel tired and tired. Perhaps your focus sometimes drops throughout the day, as long as you stare at the computer screen or want to close your eyes! If this condition is accompanied by high stress and anxiety, it may be the main cause of low cortisol levels.

Some of the common symptoms are:

  • Fatigue and severe boredom, especially in the morning
  • Mild to moderate depression
  • Anxiety and feeling of insecurity
  • Weakening the immune system and increasing the likelihood of infections
  • Reduce tolerance threshold against stress
  • Mental fog and focus decline in mid -day
  • A strong tendency to eat very salty or sweet foods

Symptoms of lower cortisol surface

The female body naturally experiences more complex hormonal cycles; From puberty and menstrual cycle to pregnancy and menopause, hormones are always fluctuating. For this reason, any imbalance in hormones – including cortisol – can cause more severe and diverse symptoms. Including:

  1. Sleep disorderA: Women may face insomnia or difficulties in sleeping and staying awake.
  2. Reduce libidoA: By disrupting energy -related hormones and vitality, sexual desire also decreases.
  3. The emergence of new allergiesA: In the face of stress and unbalanced cortisol level, the body can unexpectedly show new sensitivities.
  4. Feeling cold: Some women may always feel that their bodies are cold, even at normal room temperature.
  5. Weight gain without reasonA: Eating metabolism can lead to the accumulation of fats and harder to lose weight.

Symptoms of low cortisol levels in women

Cortisol deficiency in men is as important as women. Although they may have common symptoms, some symptoms are more prominent in men:

  • Reduce muscle massA: With cortisol drop, the body’s metabolism changes and the process of muscle building may be disrupted.
  • The pain and weakness of the joints: Inflammation and pain in the muscles and joints may increase.
  • AnxietyA: In the face of stressful situations, men may experience a greater sense of disobedience.
  • A feeling of early fatigueA: Maybe men may be tired of the day earlier than usual.

Effects of low cortisol levels on everyday life

When your cortisol level is low, you may be more impressed than you think. Even the smallest daily tasks, such as getting out of bed, cooking, career and family affairs, can become a big challenge. This situation also shades your mood over time, and they may feel depressed, anxious and hopeless and keep you away from active and energetic life.

Everyday stresses, such as the workplace, or even a heavy traffic on the route, can become peaks that require both physical and mental energy. Unfortunately, this double pressure can create a faulty cycle: more stress> less cortisol secretion> Fatigue> High and so on!

How to maintain cortisol balance?

Now that you realize that cortisol is not only a “stress” hormone, but also the key to many of the essential functions of the body, we must strive to balance it. The good news is that cortisol level control and improving adrenal fatigue are usually possible with a few simple lifestyle changes and medical advice:

Meditation and Stress Management Techniques

  • Try to sit in a quiet environment a few minutes a day, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Deep breathing techniques can have a sedative effect on the body and inhibit the production of excess cortisol. Reduce stress Take it seriously.
  • Yoga, hiking in nature or even writing a daily diary can all be effective in draining stress.

Increased magnesium consumption

  • This mineral plays a key role in hormonal balance, and especially cortisol. Vegetables with dark green leaves, nuts and seeds, beans and even bitter chocolate are good sources of magnesium.
  • Magnesium or Epsom salt supplements are also a great way to absorb this substance.

Reduce caffeine intake

  • Coffee, bold tea and energy drinks can all stimulate the production of excess cortisol. This may be useful in the short term (for example, at work), but in the long run it can make the body tired and wear cortisol.
  • Try to limit these drinks or drink at least the day when you do not interfere with your sleep cycle.

Use IV Vitamin therapy for adrenal fatigue

  • Injectable treatments (IV) are a rapid and effective way to deliver nutrients to the body, as they do not pass through the digestive tract and enter the bloodstream directly.
  • This method can be very efficient when a person has nutritional deficiencies or urgent need for vitamins and minerals.

Regular handling of mental health status

  • Remember that physical and mental health is completely intertwined. Consulting with psychologists, dialogue with loved ones, entertainment activities, and reducing mental concerns can play a major role in revitalizing energy and hormonal balance.

Cortisol; Everybody beyond stress

Finally, cortisol is not just a stress hormone; Rather, it plays a key role in preparing the body for daily life. Low this hormone can make you persistent fatigue, depression, anxiety, sleep problems, and even social relationships. Therefore, if you have symptoms similar to what you read on this blog, be sure to follow a careful test. Along with medical advice, changing lifestyle, creating healthy sleep and resting habits, and paying attention to mental health are the main ways you can use cortisol to avoid over -decrease.

Warning! This is merely an educational aspect and you need to consult a physician or specialist. More information

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