Money and wealth for some means the ability to provide the future of family and loved ones, while for others, it means an opportunity to pursue personal interests or even a means of helping others and making positive changes in society; However, the path to rich is usually not smooth and requires careful efforts, perseverance and careful planning, and along with helping from celebrity prayers can help your heart calm and increase your will and self -esteem. Also, you can Ten prayers Also recite to increase your blessing in your business.
Prayer to get rich in a day
Praying is one of the good and ordered things, especially in the hearts and hardships. You can read the following suras and prayers to get rich and wealth.
Surah for wealth of the unseen
Surah Allah Wealth of the Qur’an by the Prophet (peace be upon him)
In the book of the Assembly, Volume 1, p.
Whoever reads Surah Lille, God grants him so much to satisfy him and gives him the hardship and stenosis and makes things easy for him.
Prayer to reach wealth from the unseen and increase the money
RecitationOr richUp to 5 times a day, it is one of the most famous types of urgent prayer. In addition, as Ramadan approaches, it is better to give alms every day before Iftar and prostrate after every Friday night and say:
Allah the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the Prophet (peace be upon him) انی الی ال ال ال ال ال ال ال ال ال ال ال ال ال ال م م م م م م م م م م م م م م م م م م م م م م م م م م م م م م م م م م م م م م م
God, I ask you to the right of the noble essence and the great name and the opinion of the beloved, to give me Muhammad and Al -Muhammad, and someday my debt.
Wealth from the unseen with Surah Shams
Surah Hajj to reach wealth from the unseen
To get rich suddenly, it is enough to read verse 2 of the Hajj every Friday or 2 times:
Laine Maha Fi al -S َ n َ m َ m َ m َ m َ m َ m َ n َ m َ n
What is in the heavens and what is in the earth is all the property of God, and God is the only God who is unnecessary and perfection is adorned.
Mentioning rich for up to seven generations with Surah Qur’an
Surah Kosar to become rich from the unseen world
With the intentions of getting rich and increasing the day, Wednesday 4 times Surat al -Mubarak Kosar Read and do this continuously by Wednesday.
Get a billionaire by reading this surah
It is narrated from Imam Sajjad (AS) that end Surah Event It is useful for increasing daytime. So if the beginning of the lunar month was Monday, every day the number of days from the first day to the 14th of the surah would be read; For example, one day once, the second day twice and so on. Read this prayer after completing the Surah Mubarak Event every day:
Allah, the Holy Prophet, the Faithfulness of the Faithful, the Faithfulness of the Faithful and the Faithful Naqlilah al -Fakili and the Kanni Khayyra Khabira Lee Fayyah and the Almighty of Al -Khayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyh He is the same as the goddess of the goddess, the Almighty Anyone of all. Either the Prophet or the Qur’an, or the Majesty, or the Rahimi or the Ghost, the Prophet (peace be upon him) ان Elbasna Afteki
Lord, if my day is in heaven, call it down and if it is on earth, take it out and if it is far, get it close and if it is near, and if it is low, and if it is low, and if There is a lot of blessings in it and bring it to your best creatures and do not need me to the worst creatures. And if there is no (my day), create it with you and your unity. Lord, give it to me wherever I am and do not give me to me, for you are capable of anything. O alive, a sustainable, unique, noble, a nobleman, a merciful, a good need, see Muhammad and Al -Muhammad, and complete your blessings and give us good news and cover us in your favor.
And read this prayer every Thursday between the first and fourteenth day:
Either the story, or the jurisprudence, or the Hennie, or the man, or the Karim al -Munafi, the Taliban of the Baha’i and the Baha’i Yadi
O God, O God, a Benevolent, O Subject, O Merciful, O Giving, O Karim! I ask you a gift of your gifts with which you gather my distress and pay my debt and bring my affairs to your servant.
Another narrative of the termination of surah events for the breadth of Razaq
From Saturday night, read the event three times every night to increase the rosary and read it on Friday night. Continue this sura for 6 consecutive weeks and read this prayer before each reading:
Al -Alamah al -Maqqa al -Halaqah al -Ma’ba al -Ma’irah. دَعْوَتَنَا مِنْ غَیْرِ رَدٍّ وَ اَعُوذُ مِنَ الْفَضِیحَتِین الفَقرا وَ الدِّینِ وَاِدْفَعْ عَنِّی هَذَیْنِ بِحَقِّ الامَامِیْن الحسن و الحُسَین بِرَحْمَتِکَ یاارحم الراحمین
May God grant us a lawful and purity one day without bothering. I do not give up our prayers and seek refuge in you from the two fatigations, poverty and debt. O God, to the right of the Imams of Hassan and Hussein, take these two problems, to the mercy of the merciless
It is said that this termination has a strange effect.
Sura Taha to attract wealth and day
It is said that every day after dawn in the morning and before sunrise Surat al -Mubarak Taha Read to increase the rosary so that God will get you a day from where you do not think. Also, if you read this sura at sunrise, you will come to you a new day, and if you write it and have it, you will succeed in every need. Also, you can Praying for money Read more for opening.
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