Keep celery fresh 10 guaranteed methods to prevent wilt + important points

One of the most important ways to keep celery is to keep it in water, which maintains celery moisture and prevents wilt. Celery wrapping in aluminum foil also helps maintain moisture and prevent its rapid corruption. Using a wet paper towel and placing celery in a zippered plastic bag is another effective way to help keep celery freshness and crisp. Finally, keeping celery in the refrigerator or freezing box for a long time is great ways to maintain celery quality in the long run.

Keeping the celery fresh

Keep in the water

One of the best ways to keep celery fresh is to keep it in water. This method will maintain the moisture needed for celery and prevent it from wilt. To do this, first remove the celery stems and place in a glass or plastic container. Then fill the container with clean water and refrigerate. It is recommended that you replace the container water every two days to keep the celery always fresh. This method is one of the most effective ways to keep celery and keep its taste and quality for a long time.

Aluminum foil wrapping

To keep celery fresh, it can be wrapped in aluminum foil and placed in the fridge. Aluminum foil helps maintain moisture in celery and prevents ethylene gas from emitting the vegetable faster. Simply cover the celery stems with foil and keep it in a special area of ​​refrigerator vegetables. This procedure makes celery maintaining its newer recent weeks. Using this method is a great way to keep celery fresh and prevent it from being plagued.

Wet paper towel

Wet paper towel is one of the best tools to keep celery fresh. This method provides sufficient moisture for celery and prevents it from drying. To do this, simply remove the celery stems and wrap it in a wet paper towel. Then put it in a plastic bag and refrigerate. This method helps celery stay fresh for a long time and maintain its crisp. One of the easiest ways to keep celery is to use this technique.

Zippered plastic bag

Using a zippered plastic bag is a good way to keep celery fresh. These bags keep the moisture inside the bag and prevent celery drying. First clean the celery stems and place in a zippered plastic bag. Then put the bag in the fridge. This method helps to keep celery fresh for longer. To increase the effect of this method, you can put a damp napkin into the bag. This will keep celery fresh.

Vegetable boxes

Refrigerators usually have a special part of vegetables that are the best place to store celery. If you are planning to keep celery fresh for a long time, it is best to put it in a vegetable box. These chambers have a controlled moisture that prevents celery drying. You can also put the celery stems in a thin bag and then put it in a special box. This is one of the best ways to keep celery and help maintain its quality.

Celery frozen

If you are planning to keep celery fresh for a long time, you can freeze it. To do this, first cut the celery into small pieces and place in a freezer bag. Then place the bag in the freezer. Before use, you can put the celery in warm water to open the ice. This method is suitable for storing celery for several months. Although freezing reduces celery quality slightly, it is still a great way to keep celery fresh in the long run.

Glass container

Another way to keep celery is to put it in a glass container. This procedure maintains moisture and prevents drying and fading of celery. Just chop the celery stems and pour into a glass container. Then fasten the lid of the container and put it in the fridge. This method helps to keep celery fresh for longer. If you are looking for a simple way to keep celery fresh, this will be very effective.

Put celery in ice water

One of the urgent ways to keep celery fresh is to put it in water and ice. If your celery is slightly faded, you can put it in a container full of water and ice to make it crisp and fresh. This procedure allows celery to return its lost moisture and find its rigid and natural texture again. This method is more suitable for when you plan to consume celery quickly and is a great way to keep celery fresh in the short term.

The composition of celery with lemon juice

One way to keep celery fresh is to combine with lemon juice. Lemon juice has an acidic properties that prevent the growth of bacteria and maintain color and freshness of celery. To do this, you can mix some lemon juice with water and place celery stems. Then put the container in the fridge. In addition to keeping celery fresh, this method gives it a pleasant taste and prevents it from being black or discolored.

Keep in the refrigerator

If you want to make it easier to use celery, you can crush it and keep it in the fridge. Just cut the celery stems into small pieces and place in a lid. Then place a wet paper towel in the container to maintain moisture. This procedure makes celery stay fresh for longer and ready to use. If you are looking for a simple way to keep celery fresh, this will be a very effective and effective solution.

More knowledge

Benefits of celery

The most important Properties of celery Strengthening the immune system due to high vitamin C, reducing the risk of cancer due to polycetylene and flavonoids, and improving sexual powers due to active substances in the stem. Celery is also useful for relieving migraine pain, treating constipation, helping to hydrate the body, and prevent premature skin aging. In addition, celery is also effective in reducing menopausal symptoms and enhancing liver function.

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