Silk Road business lessons for startups

The Silk Road was the legendary route of the world’s economy that was more than 5 kilometers long and connected to East and West Deteia. But this was not the only road to exchange silk, spices and luxury goods; Rather the context of creativity, innovation and Problem solving It was. Imagine how the businessmen of that time solved their problems, with all the challenges of high -risk trips, financial instability and communication problems between different cultures? Looking at their method is still a lesson; Especially for startups.

In this post, we want to examine the three important lessons that the Silk Road businessmen for the modern startup space. We want to see how these ideas come up with startups.

1. Source Share: Solidarity for success

Imagine that in the hearts of vast deserts or hard mountains, you have to move to the destination alone. The risks on every side have covered you. The Silk Road businessmen also faced such conditions. What was their solution? Travel in the form of caravans!

Many businessmen, along with a number of animals and workers, could divide travel costs such as guides, translator and guard and avoid the bandits’ attacks. Thus, every businessman could focus on his or her strengths; That is, buying and selling your own specialized goods.

This lesson is also very useful for today’s startups. A Startup In the early stages of all the resources needed to set up a Business It doesn’t have the perfect. In such circumstances, why not enjoy the opportunities for sharing resources? For example:

  • Use Shared work space Instead of renting a dedicated office
  • Working with freelancers and contractors for decentralized activities
  • Utilization of open source software
  • Participate in startup accelerator programs for advice and guidance

2. Confidence: Real Capital Relationships of the Merchant

In the world where we deal with different people and cultures every day, trust is the essential principle of success. The Silk Road businessmen knew that their business would fail without building a strong and trust -based relationship. By showing goodwill, respect for local customs and providing personalized services, they made strong relationships with their customers and partners.

In the modern world, startups also need to focus on building confidence with customers, investors and business partners. Strong and friendly relationships can be helpful in critical times, including liquidity crises or technical challenges. So remember:

  • Take the customers’ comments and feedback seriously
  • Establish an intimate and consistent relationship with partners and suppliers
  • Recognize the true value of each relationship; Because your real capital is

1. Inventory Management: Optimization for more profitability

Another valuable lesson of Silk Road merchants, Management Smart was the inventory of the commodity. They used high -value goods and low volumes, such as silk, to achieve the maximum profit with minimal cost and weight. This strategy helped them to continue to be profitable and reduce costs in harsh conditions.

Today, manufacturing -based startups can also benefit from this method. Businesses can optimize and expand their resources by focusing on high -profit -marginal products before entering high -profile markets but with low profit margins. The use of inventory management techniques and time-in-production techniques can help reduce the loss of resources and extra costs.

Lessons from yesterday for today

The history of the Silk Road shows that even in very difficult conditions, creativity and cooperation can win the challenges. Sharing resources, trusting and optimizing inventory are just a few examples of lessons that can be taken from ancient business. If you look at these tips, your success path, like the winding of the Silk Road, will be full of golden opportunities.

What did you learn from the classic business and business practices? What has been useful to you from the old world?

Source: Forbes

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This set of experiences Harvard professors That is each one of the great entrepreneurs and consultants in the world.

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