Fresh keeping the flower of Narges

Keeping Narges Flower is one of the concerns of people who keep this beautiful and fragrant flower at home or at work. Narges flowers will soon fade very quickly if they do not observe the important points. Using the correct methods, the shelf life of this flower can be increased and its freshness and beauty can be enjoyed for longer. Choosing fresh flowers, proper maintenance and providing appropriate conditions are among the factors that affect Narges flower life. In this article, we will examine effective ways to keep Narges flower fresh.

Fresh keeping the flower of Narges

Selection of fresh and healthy narcissus flowers

To keep the flower fresh, you need to choose healthy and refreshing flowers from the beginning. When shopping, make sure the petals are tight and stainless and the stems are green and dry. Narges flowers are freshly lasting and faded later. Flowers whose blossoms are not yet fully opened will last longer. Always buy Narges flowers from reputable flowers to make sure its quality and freshness. Paying attention to the newer flower of Narges will extend its lifespan.

Shorten stem to absorb better water

After buying Narges flowers, cut the end of the stem at an angle of 2 degrees. This increases the level of water absorption and keeps the flower fresh for a longer time. It is recommended to use a sharp knife or garden scissors to cut the stem. Reduce the Narges flower stem every two days to prevent the pores from closing. Proper shortening of the stem keeps the flower fresh and prevents its rapid wilt. Observing this is an important role in maintaining the freshness of Narges flowers.

Use clean and appropriate water

One of the important ways to keep the flower fresh is to use clean water without contamination. Leave the piping juice before use for several hours at room temperature to reduce the chlorine. Lukewater water for Narges flowers is better than cold water. Daily replacement of the pot water helps to keep the flower fresh flower and stay more vibrant. The impurities in the water can cause the stem to decay, so be sure to use fresh water to store narcissus flowers.

Add nutrients to pot water

Nutrients for cut flowers can be used to extend the life of Narges flowers. Add a teaspoon of sugar and a few drops of lemon juice to the pot water to keep the flower fresh. Also, the use of crushed aspirin or a little white vinegar can reduce water bacteria and make the flower flower more durable. These simple methods make Narges flower maintain its freshness and beauty for longer.

Choose the right pot with appropriate size

To better keep the flower flower, you should choose a pot to suit the number of flower stems. A pot that is very large causes the stems to bend and if the pot is small, the flowers do not have enough space to breathe. The best option is to use medium pots with a good crater to make Narges flower well. Transparent glass pot is a better choice, as the amount of water can be checked. A good pot has a great impact on keeping Narges flowers fresh.

Not putting the flower of Narges in direct light

Place the flower of Narges in a place where it receives enough natural light but is not exposed to direct sunlight. Intense lighting causes moisture loss and fastening the flowers. The best place to store Narges flowers is a cool space with indirect light. High heat and proximity to heating appliances also reduce the shelf life of Narges. If Narges flower is in a suitable environment, it will remain fresh and refreshing for a longer time.

Keeping the flower of Narges from the fruits

One of the less attention to it is keeping the narcissus flower away from the fruits. Some fruits such as apples, bananas and pears produce ethylene, which wlog Narges. To keep the Narges flower fresh, be sure to keep it away from the fruits. This simple but important point helps to keep Narges flower for a longer and lively time and not to wither early.

Cleaning pots and replacing water regularly

To prevent bacteria from growing, rinse the Narges flower pot every few days and change the water. Pollution in pot water blocks the stem and reduces the absorption of water, making the flowers faster. Washing the pot with water and vinegar helps to eliminate germs. Proper maintenance of keeping pots is one of the important ways to keep Narges flowers fresh, which has a great impact on extending its life.

Home -made methods to increase shelf life

Some home remedies can help keep the flower fresh. Adding a teaspoon of sugar to the pot will help feed the flowers. Using a few drops of Vitex can also prevent the growth of bacteria. Also, placing Narges flowers in the refrigerator during the night increases its shelf life. With these simple but functional methods you can keep Narges flower fresh and lively for a longer time.

Narcissus flower maintenance at appropriate temperatures

One of the most important factors in keeping Narges flowers fresh is ambient temperature. The ideal temperature for Narges flowers is between 1 and 2 ° C. Very hot air accelerates the wilt of the flowers and the cold can also damage the stems. On hot summer days, put the Narges flower in a cool environment to maintain its freshness. Adjusting the right temperature plays a key role in extending the life of Narges flower and makes it more durable.

More knowledge

Narges flower planting in pots

For Narges flower planting in potsChoosing the right pot with good drainage, using light and rich soil, and choosing healthy onions. The best planting time is early in the fall for onions to have enough time to root. The onions should be placed in the soil at a proper distance and covered with a thin layer of soil. Regular but not over irrigation, putting pots in a place with sufficient light, and providing proper moisture for optimal plant growth. After flowering, removing dried flowers and gradually reducing irrigation will save energy in the onions for next season.

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