Does our brain work slowly? + Ways to increase brain productivity

Maybe when you want to do a few things at the same time, you feel you got a lot of information and your brain “doesn’t kill”, just like an old computer. You may also have trouble making important decisions. In a world full of fast information, continuous notifications and endless expectations, our brain looks surprising occasionally. But is this slowdown really a defect or an essential evolutionary attribute? And more importantly: Does our brain work slowly?

New Research* conducted by researchers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) shows that our brain It only processes the information at a speed of 1 bit per second. In comparison, our nervous and sensory systems can receive information at a speed of 2 bits per second. This huge gap in information processing raises a key question: Why does the brain filter this large volume of information and only process a small part of it?

*A new article referred to «Unbearable slowness of existence»By Marcus Myster And Joyio Jang Written. The authors of this article describe the “very low” brain processing speed compared to the enormous capacity of our sensory systems (2 bits per second).

The outer brain against the internal brain: two information processing systems

This research shows that the human brain works at two different levels:

  1. The outer brain: This section is responsible for receiving and processing quick sensory and motor information. When you are driving, exercising or even walking, the external brain gets a lot of information.
  2. Inner brain: This section converts processed data into a simple message. Our decision -making, reasoning, planning, and actions are controlled by the internal brain.

The main challenge is here: The outer brain is capable of Processing trillions of bits of informationBut the inner brain only Extracts 2 bits of it per second. This means that a large part of the information you receive will never enter our brain.

Why is our brain so slowly designed?

You may think that this is a problem, but the researchers are opposed. Researchers say this is an evolutionary feature that has helped our survival. For millions of years, humans have lived in environments whose changes were not rapidly today’s digital world. As a result, this feature is the cause of survival in those environments.

The evolutionary reasons for this slow are:
Survival in the natural world: Our ancestors needed to focus on a subject, such as recognizing a hunter in the environment or finding food. Excessive information processing could lead to distraction and thus the risk of death.
Focus on the most important information: Imagine processing all the details of your brain, such as the color of cars, the shape of the buildings, the faces of the people, the smell of foods and the sounds of the environment. Such a volume of information causes cognitive paralysis and you will not be able to make a decision.
Evolution for deeper thinking: Unlike other animals that respond faster, the human brain has evolved in a way that can Abstract thinkingLong -term planning and Problem solving To do. This feature slows down information speed, but it has helped us build complex civilizations.

Challenges of the Modern World: When information gets out of control

In the past, low -speed cognitive processing did not cause problems, but the modern world has faced two new challenges:

  • More information: Nowadays our brain daily with It is 5 times the information that the 9th -century human beings received. Social networks, advertising, emails, urgent messages and endless news press our brains.
  • Need: Many people have to do several things at the same time; From responding to emails and attending online meetings to personal life management. But the human brain is naturally designed to focus on a job at any moment.

Can technology increase brain speed?

Companies such as Neuralink are looking for ways to speed up brain processing through brain-rational interface technologies (BCIs). But researchers in the study believe that no technology can overcome the inherent limitations of the brain.

In fact, they point out that Ilan Musk can use a phone instead of implanting the electrode in the brain, because the speed of human speech data transfer is in line with the speed of brain processing!

How to use brain constraints to our advantage?

Focus on a job at any moment

Instead of trying to do a few coincidence, focus on one task and do it in high quality. This not only increases your efficiency, but also prevents fatigue.

Practice the mind and meditation

Meditation And exercises Mindfulness They can help you focus on the moment and prevent the mental turmoil caused by extra information.

Limit the use of technology

Choose programs that help you focus, not to distract you. Use tools such as Focus mode (Focus Mode) On phones and Sensory blockers In browsers, it can help manage the information received.

Prefer quality to quantity

Instead of trying to attract a large amount of information, focus on deeper and more quality learning. Reading a good book can be much more valuable than the surface browsing of hundreds of posts on social media.

Your brain is exactly as fast as you should

This research reminds us that the human brain has evolved as fast as sufficient for survival and growth. Although it may be in today’s high -speed world, it may seem like Kennedy has allowed us to develop abstract thinking, creativity and problem -solving.

So instead of trying to get faster, let’s learn how to harmonize with the natural rhythm of our brain and make the most of it.

Do you feel your brain is slow too?

What is your personal opinion now? Does our brain work slowly? Have you ever felt that your brain is working slower than your world? What ways do you use to deal with these challenges? Share your comments with us!

This article is based on the article Why your brain is so salow By Dr. Justin James Kennedy Written.

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Warning! This is merely an educational aspect and you need to consult a physician or specialist. More information

Say and hear the words with the help of body language

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