Where in the house of flowers and plants do we have the chance and wealth? (The secret secret of Feng Shui)

Beauty is not the only reason for the importance of how to arrange indoors; In terms of Feng shui And to create positive energy and attract desires, it is also necessary to make sure that you put each device at all. Plants are also one of the most important things that play a significant role in creating positive energy in the home, and their feng shui is important. Here’s a look at the best geographical locations of the house to put pots in a feng shui.

Plants suitable for feng shui

Before we talk about feng shui at home, we need to give a review of the best feng shui plants. It can be said that almost all plants are useful for creating positive energy at home, but some have stronger effects; Plants that help purifying air, such as Aglomon and Palm Erika, or plants like Money tree or pachirah And Lucky Bamboo, which, according to folk beliefs, brings with them wealth and wealth, including plants for cleaning the home and creating positive energy in the environment.

Feng shui pots at home

Putting pots at home according to classic feng shui principles

For any specific purpose you intend, you can choose a specific area to put your pot at home. Below are some of the most important goals and we have written the geographical location of the house to put the pot to that particular intention.

Attracting health and happiness

If you want to attract health and have a happy family, your pot in position East Put your home.

Attracting wealth and day

With the aim of achieving more blessings and abundance in life, your pot in position South East Your home will emit positive and relevant energy and help you.

Attracting reputation and gaining credit

If you like to experience fame and get more credible, it is better Southern region Put home.

Positive energy flow for greater health

Put the pot In Left side of the west part of the house In terms of providing positive energy for health, it will be efficient.

Attracting abundance and blessings into life

By putting their pots In the western area of ​​the upper sideYou will invite more abundance and wealth to your life.

If you like the pot right In the center of the left -handed area Put, the energy emitted from your plant to absorb Fame and popularity It will help you.

Feng shui pots at homeFeng shui pots at home

Three special cases of feng shui pots at home

In general, what we have described in the previous section is quite suitable for the layout of apartment plants in terms of feng shower principles, but some plants are more sensitive because of their appearance or other properties or the energies they create. Here are three of these plants and their pots at home.

Feng shui pots at homeFeng shui pots at home

Feng Shui Censoria Vase at Home

If you put your censorship pot in the bathroom or bath, you will have the power of cleaning and positive energy. This plant is a great choice for removing pollutants such as formaldehyde or nitrogen oxide caused by cleaning and hygiene products in your home toilets. Sayed in terms of Bedroom Feng Washing PrinciplesPutting censorship pots in this room or any other inappropriate environment for this type of plant will lead to negative energy.

Feng Shui Cactus Vase at Home

Cactuses, because of their razors, if they are in an inappropriate environment, may emit incompatible energies and thus their position for feng shui is determined in another way; The corner of the house that is far from the middle of the house is the best place to put the cactus pot. Also, by placing the cactus under your medals or other achievements, you can best use the good energy that this plant releases.

Feng shui pots at homeFeng shui pots at home

Yasm Vase Fang Shui at home

Yasm including Plants attracting wealth from the perspective of the science of feng shui It is and the best place to put it at home is the front of the south of the house; The jade in this place creates positive energy and helps you gain your credibility and popularity. But if you want to use the good energy of this beautiful flower to absorb a lot of livelihoods, put it next to the south -east window. To create positive energy in relationships, family and help to maintain health according to the principles of Yadem Vase in the Home, place it near the east of the home.

Also read in the star with one click: Wallpaper’s Feng Washing Principles to attract happiness and wealth

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