Text and message congratulatory day to friend and friendly comrade

Text congratulations to the friend and comrade

Excerpt from the most beautiful texts Congratulations on the day of the guard And Comrade We have presented that you can use Instagram for post, capacity and storytelling.


If the old and the young are ease
If our honor is also safe
If ISIS fell into the bottom of Hell
Did not go out of our soil
Its main reason is a shelter
That is also the blood of the members of the Corps
Comrade Happy Honor Day


Protection is a mission and its purpose
Preserving the values ​​of the Islamic Revolution in Iran
As well as real protection, the bloody uprising of Karbala
In the early days of Islam led by Agha Abdul Hussein (AS)
And to keep the Islamic values ​​alive
Day this brave God bless you dear friend


The day of the guard
Remembrance of the pride of the understanding of the school of Hussein (AS)
Birth of Imam Hussein (AS) and Happy Day of my dear friend


Greetings to the soldiers of Islam
That with the flagship of Aba Abdullah
Happy Regarding Comrade John


Guard, the hand is always accompanied by the revolution
That his combat capability
Derived from the inner forces of man
My dear friend
I am honored to have a friend like you
Happy day


If it weren’t for the Corps, the country wouldn’t
Happy Honorable Day I am a good friend.


Imam Hussein’s birthday
The opportunity to guard the name of the guard
These brave men and sacrifices
Greetings to you
The owner of Astrakah and Abu Dhabi
You are an example of Abu Abdullah


Name of Benevolence Always Register, And Head of Love Office
You did in dignity and sacrifice to Anx
He sacrificed his existence and became the embodiment of love
Birth of Imam Hussein and the Day of the Guardian, my good friend, blessed


A guard means one who works
And don’t be tired
My dear friend of your sacrifices.
And congratulate you on the day of the guard.


A guard means protecting the blood of the martyrs
And protecting the Islamic Revolution
And step in the right way
And follow the leadership line and the supporters of the oppressed
Happy day my guardian friend


Guard is the most authentic tree of revolution
That is rooted in the philosophy of the uprising of Hussein (AS)
Happy day dear

Horoscope Coca -Coca

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