A set of the purest Texts and messages of pregnancy greeting to my dear brother -in -law For the capture, profile and Instagram story
Pregnancy is a miracle
An over -unbelievable experience
A nine -month journey
That is full of memory, hope and expectation
Happy pregnancy, my dear brother!
Happiness of the moment of my life!
The moment of your child’s aromatic presence
We expect this world.
Happy Pregnancy
Pregnancy congratulatory message to brother -in -law
Congratulations on your dear brother -in -law.
And my life farm is always full of success and tolerance.
The woman’s brother -in -law, glam,
I am glad to be a mother.
And to the graceful right of paradise under your steps
I wish you the best things in your new era of life
My kind brother’s wife!
The most good songs of the existence of the beautiful heart and patient
Happy pregnancy, dear!
With love and good wishes for my brother -in -law!
I want you to take care of yourself.
And make sure you have a good delivery in front of
And a little angel gives our life a gift
Congratulations to the bride
Be happy with your pregnancy and to be healthy.
God willing and hugging him right and hugging him
The enthusiasm in your heart has housed the joy of our lives.
We look forward to sitting in love with you.
Happy pregnancy of my brother -in -law
Your pregnancy is the transplant of light and love,
The confluence of kiss is moonlight and sunshine,
The most beautiful event in your partner’s life,
Happy to you and your wife.
Dear brother, my dear!
I know you’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time to hug your beautiful straw.
And cuddle his little hands and feet,
I do not sprout the prayers in my own skin.
Happy mom
The smell of good love and pure smell
Is in the heart of the green
Your pregnancy
The passage of love on your blessed existence
Dear brother’s wife
The brazen of love in the desert of Happy Delivery
Congratulations to the brother
And the most beautiful event in common life
This is a blessed thing on you and my brother.
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