Daily Hafez Horoscope Sunday, February 7, 1403 with precise meaning and interpretation

Daily Hafez Born April

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

Come on that the palace of Amal is hard to base

Bring down


Whatever the color belongs to the freedom

Dear Fish …
Think of the dreams you imagined in your mind. Don’t keep yourself in the past and always have the future you have. The foundation of your life is hypocritical and hypocritical. Open the chain that you open to your feet and enjoy the blessings of God because this world will not be more than two days. Be in the middle of life to enjoy it.

Daily Hafez Horoscope in May

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

The courtyard of Bostan is a good luck and a good talk

Time High Flower Her Time Want Time

We are happy with every tail of our souls

Ari Ari Tayeb Sugar Fans Happy

May Dear Fish …
It has always been said to be easy after every hardship. Your hardship is over and you hear the good news you have been waiting for. The card will improve day by day and succeed, but at the same time your dependencies will increase. Don’t let these mirrors blur. Do not be proud of your victory and divide your joys with others.

Daily Hafez Horoscope of June Born

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

It is too late to send a message

Did not write granted and verbal

I sent one hundred letters and that kings of riders

Don’t be a peak and greeted.

Dear Fish June …
Excessive expectation has caused you to be frustrated and you are counting on the moment; You will see the result of your work with patience. Always remember that honesty is the first condition of humanity, so never lies and deceives the things you love in life. To know others like yourself, and what you want and like for them, and to like them.

Daily Hafez

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

Calc Meshkin. The day we remember us

To take the reward of two hundred servants to release


What to do to salute our hearts

Dear Fish …
You will soon meet someone who will give you a very good news. The news that refers to your purpose. You waited for a long time and asked God to join the companion. The valuable gem has given you, try to keep it in perfection. Take care more about your inner look than beautiful appearance. If you are in an inappropriate place, you are not doomed to stand there, change your position so that you will finally reach your heart.

Daily Horror Born August

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

Dela Comrade your good fortune

Shiraz breeze breeze

Do not travel to the house of John Darwish

The spiritual course of the house

Dear Fish …
God has given you so much that you can live well and happy. Improvisory ambitions have nothing but suffering for you. Be convinced in your life and appreciate whatever you have. Trust in God and do not capture yourself for the fleeting pleasures of life. Remove the air from your existence. Hafez says if you want to be successful, spend the nights pray and pray for God and discuss scientific and study days.

Daily Hafez Horoscope Born in September

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

I swear to the brave king’s misery

That is not with the fashion

My house wine is enough

Opponent Reminitent Repent Comrade Repentance

Dear Fish …
You are a human being who has been content in your life and has not been involved in the property of the world. Regularity is one of the best human assets. If the situation is not in your way right now, don’t be saddened. Life has many ups and downs. The treasure is not suffering. Get out of the old friends and treat them kindly. If you have someone asks, keep your dignity and personality, and wait a little to fulfill your wishes. Hope and trust in God.

Daily Hafez

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

Juzah Sahar

I mean the servant of King and I swear


The comma that I asked for God.

Dear fish seal …
The day has come to you, and the situation has come to you to get your heart. Don’t worry about anything that will come to you. Everything is in accordance with the world, and the world has shown it to you. Thank God for all the pleasures and blessings he has given you. For a covenant that you have a loyal package to give the right to friendship. In the event of a difficulty, do not come back from the middle of the way to go the road and lead to your goal. Nurture your confidence in yourself and choose the best in the transaction.

Daily Hafez Born in November

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

I see the light of God in the ruins of the Moghan

Wow, where I see how light I see

The manifestation of me is the Malik al -Hajj that you

You see the house and I see the house of God

Dear Fish …
You are a forward -looking person. You always say what happens in the future and what is the result. You didn’t do anything from cravings. If something is accompanied by suffering, but know that in the future you have a great result for you. Your friends sometimes mocking you because of this character; Don’t pay attention and do your job. Eventually you come to me.

Daily Hafez Born December

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

If this devastated home is to Rome

Other where Rome wise and wise

The traveler’s saddle to healthy homemade

I vowed to go through the way to Rome

Dear Azar …
You have long been promised to make changes to your lifestyle if you improve. Whenever you get rid of the difficulties and hardships of life, it is best to learn and experience them and use your experiences in future activities. It is not wise to do water, don’t decide on the things early on. Do not forget and help the elders and the wise. Ask your friends and look for their situations, if you do not complain to strangers.

Daily Hafez Daily Born

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

Better than you think and the cup will be

To see what will be the end

Sadness of the heart a few things that do not stay

Gogh Neither be the heart nor what will they be

Dear fish …
You are very thinking about the future and you are the end of it, but you are afraid of what you have done. You are bored, it is best to give up a little distrust. If you haven’t heard any effort to achieve your goal, the result is what you want. Don’t forget the world is passing and sadness is not stable, so spend the days of joy and pleasure instead of grief. Don’t worry that the end of the job is very good.

Daily Hafez Horoscope Born Born

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1


The companions of the love is love

Sader’s eyes are no more youthful saddle

Not in the hands of the saddle.

Dear Fish …
The place and time are appropriate to take advantage, do not miss the opportunities and opportunities ahead, and do not spend your time. The problems of the road should not disappoint you. Don’t be afraid of hardship. Any problem is as difficult as it is, with the end of your effort and effort. Don’t be ignorant of consulting with the benevolent. At the same time, don’t tell anyone the secret of your heart, because some are trying to shed your reputation.

Horoscope Horoscope Daily Born in March

Hafiz’s sonnet # 1

Or the inhumane yahhaki in my place.

Or paste what did the crescent line turn

While the imagination makes me happy

To what the exhausting role of this fantasy

Dear Fish March …
Drowning in dream and dreaming, it is better to think more about the facts. Set aside despair, no one knows how much God’s grace is, God accepts repentance and return and saves you from confusion. Four things save you: God, prayer, faith, the Qur’an. With these four things, your day changes and you get to the glory. The person who has a high place intends to help you, do not reject his hand.

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