The benefits of stars for man and his life; Wonderful and attractive

The science of astronomy or astronomy is rooted in people’s curiosity about constellations and exploring the night sky to find out how mysterious cosmic objects such as stars work and exist. Watching the stars and their presence in the sky, apart from the aesthetic aspect and visual pleasure, also brings benefits to humans from other aspects, which we will discuss in the rest of this part of the star.

The benefits of stars

Guidance for determining direction

In the past, the stars and their position in the sky helped people who were lost, and they could use the position of the stars to navigate or find the path of their long journeys using these natural compasses. Of course, this was not the only benefit of stars for humans in the past; To determine the seasons and know the weather conditions, the observations of the stars and their condition were used. Even today, knowing the science of astronomy, one can use the stars to determine the right direction in situations where it is not possible to access a compass.

The benefits of starsThe benefits of stars

Helping scientists and farmers

Before the invention of the telescope, scientists used the motion of the stars to determine the motion of the sun and the planets, because they believed that the stars were attached to the planets. As a result, they monitored the condition of the planets by examining the conditions of the stars. Knowing the position of the sun was very important for farmers and it was one of the benefits of the stars; Because by considering it, they determined the best time to cultivate their crops.

Read more: Key differences between star and planet

Compilation of solar and Gregorian calendars

As we said, observing and studying the conditions of the stars informed astronomers about the condition of the sun, and considering the position and amount of movement of the sun helped them to write the solar and Gregorian calendar as accurately as possible. The Gregorian calendar, which is used today, is a solar calendar based on the angle of the earth’s rotation axis with respect to the sun and as a result of studying the movements of the stars.

Contribute to research and advancement of science

The study of stars and their observation has contributed a lot to the progress of science, especially in the field of physics, geology and the knowledge of astronomy itself. By carefully observing the stars, information about the history of the universe has been obtained, which in turn is significant; The progress of human knowledge about black holes, sun and planets all depends on significant studies in the field of stars, and this is one of the benefits of stars.

The importance of aesthetics

The stars and how they are placed in the sky have been of interest since time immemorial by creating impressive and spectacular views in the night sky, to enjoy these natural beauties and take attractive photos. Also, the shining of stars throughout history is among the sources of inspiration for writers, poets and thinkers in different cultures, and for this reason it is also important.

The benefits of starsThe benefits of stars

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