home treatment for whistling; Methods that doctors say less!

Whistling or tinnitus is an annoying phenomenon that you may feel in one or both ears; But is it really possible to reduce or completely cure this problem at home without the need for expensive medical procedures? The short answer to this question is: Yes! But for this, a multilateral approach is necessary. A combination of relaxation techniques, lifestyle modifications, ear care and even the intelligent use of some complementary therapies can reduce the severity of tinnitus. In the following, we will introduce you to various home remedies for whistling in the ears. Stay with us.

Treatment of tinnitus at home

When it comes to home remedies for tinnitus, many people don’t know exactly where to start. By providing specialized services in the field of hearing rehabilitation and counseling, “Yara Derman” helps you to benefit from the solutions for tinnitus treatment at home, which the experts formulate for you in a personalized way, without the need for frequent visits to the clinic.

In this method, the expert Yara treatment First, it examines the underlying factors of tinnitus; From blood pressure and thyroid status to daily habits such as caffeine consumption or exposure to loud noises. He then presents a comprehensive program including stress management, nutritional advice, relaxation exercises and ear protection strategies. This program will be updated periodically to ensure that your lifestyle and progress in symptom control are going as well as possible. Home treatment is a great option, especially for the elderly or people who cannot tolerate frequent movements.

According to Yara Derman website about the benefits of treatment at home:

Not facing air pollution and respiratory diseases

No exposure to hospital infections

Saving time and not wasting time in medical centers

The possibility of performing diagnostic tests such as audiometry and audiometry at home

Effective home remedies to reduce tinnitus

Home treatment for tinnitus involves using a wide range of methods that can range from simple relaxation techniques to non-invasive complementary medicine interventions.

method Description and effects
Adequate sleep and rest Setting the bedtime, creating a suitable sleeping environment, avoiding caffeine and alcohol, and reducing mental stimulation before sleep.
Modifying nutrition and limiting stimulants limiting caffeine, alcohol, salt and sugar; Consume fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fatty fish and seeds, and nuts.
Supplements and herbal remedies Careful use of substances such as Ginkgo biloba, red ginseng, Acai and B vitamins; It is necessary to consult a doctor before use.
Sound therapy techniques Using white noise machines, soft music, and sound generator apps to reduce the brain’s awareness of tinnitus.
Deep breathing and relaxation exercises Diaphragmatic breathing, neck and shoulder massage to reduce stress and improve blood flow.
Stretching exercises and yoga Movements such as baby movement and tree movement to relax muscles and reduce the impact of tinnitus.

Adequate sleep and rest

Quality sleep is one of the most vital factors in controlling the symptoms and home treatment of whistling and tinnitus.

  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day so that your biological clock is adjusted.
  • The bedroom should be cool, dark and free of disturbing sounds. If absolute silence bothers you, use a fan or white noise machine.
  • Consumption of caffeine and alcohol, especially at the end of the day, has a negative effect on the quality of sleep and the intensity of tinnitus.
  • Watching exciting movies or working with electronic devices right before bed can stimulate your mind and make deep sleep more difficult.

Improving nutrition and limiting stimulants

Nutrition has a significant impact on the health of the ears and nervous system. Some foods make tinnitus worse, while others can help relieve symptoms.

Foods that should be limited include:

  • Caffeine: strong tea, coffee, energy drink;
  • Alcohol: Alcohol consumption causes blood vessels to dilate and possibly increase tinnitus;
  • Too much salt: Too much salt can lead to fluid retention in the body and raise blood pressure. This factor is also involved in the aggravation of tinnitus;
  • Added sugars: Industrial sweets, soft drinks and sugary substances cause cellular inflammation and make tinnitus worse.

Foods useful in controlling the symptoms of whistling in the ears include:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables: Antioxidants in them help protect hearing cells.
  • Whole grains: maintain stable blood sugar levels and reduce physiological stress.
  • Fatty fish and seeds: Omega-3 fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory effect and can be effective in ear health.
  • Nuts and nuts: They are a good source of vitamin E and essential minerals to improve blood circulation in the body.

Use supplements and herbal remedies with caution

In recent years, some herbal remedies and supplements have been suggested along with home remedies to reduce tinnitus; But it should be noted that research on their effectiveness and safety is still not enough:

  • Ginkgo biloba: Some studies believe that this plant can reduce tinnitus by increasing blood flow to the inner ear. But it may interact with blood thinners.
  • Red Asian Ginseng: may prevent hearing damage; But the evidence is not conclusive and its high consumption can cause complications such as insomnia or digestive problems.
  • Acai: due to its high antioxidant properties, it may play a role in reducing oxidative stress; But research on its direct effect on tinnitus is not enough.
  • Consumption of group B vitamins and magnesium: in some reports, the role of regulating the nervous system of these substances has been mentioned; But before taking any supplement, it is better to consult a doctor or pharmacist; Because the interaction of supplements with other drugs can be problematic.

Understanding the causes and aggravating factors of whistling

Before dealing with home remedies for whistling in the ears, it is better to review the causes and aggravating factors of this problem. Tinnitus can be caused by hearing problems such as auditory nerve damage or disorders of the cochlea. Also, a high-stress lifestyle or long-term exposure to loud noises can aggravate this condition over time.

Underlying diseases, such as high blood pressure, thyroid problems, brain trauma or even ear infections are other important causes of tinnitus. On the other hand, some people find that consuming too much caffeine or alcohol makes the tinnitus more intense; Therefore, the first step to treating tinnitus is to identify and eliminate or control these triggers.

Other home remedies for whistling in the ears

Today, doctors also recommend the following for the home treatment of whistling in the ears:

Sound therapy techniques

Quoted from the website widex:

“White noise machines can help mask tinnitus ringing or buzzing sounds, making it easier to focus on other things. Try using a white noise machine while you sleep or during quiet moments throughout the day.”

“White noise machines can help reduce ringing or tinnitus and make it easier to focus on other things. “You can use a white noise machine while you sleep or during quiet moments during the day.”

White noise machines cover the tinnitus by producing sounds like rain or wind and distract the brain from it. Listening to soft music at a low volume can distract the brain from the annoying buzzing sound.

Some smartphone apps play environmental sounds or brain waves and by stimulating hearing cells, they reduce the brain’s awareness of tinnitus.

Deep breathing and relaxation exercises

Instead of shallow breathing, take enough air deep into the lungs and then exhale slowly. Diaphragmatic breathing reduces stress. Muscle tension can have a negative effect on hearing. Massaging the back of the neck and shoulders helps improve blood flow and reduce tension.

Stretching exercises and yoga

Some postures, such as Child’s Pose or Tree Pose, involve concentration and muscle relaxation and can reduce the effect of tinnitus.

final word

Home treatment for whistling is a combination of stress management, lifestyle modification, vocal techniques, nutrition and adequate sleep. Also, the cautious use of some herbs or supplements can help to partially improve the symptoms. However, if the tinnitus is severe or accompanied by suspicious symptoms, be sure to see a doctor to proceed with the treatment process with a more relaxed mind.

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