The best age to use a scooter for a baby + dos and don’ts

A scooter is one of the most popular items that many parents put on their shopping list when they choose Sismoni, but can a scooter be used for a child at any time? And when is the best age to use this device? In this article from Star, we are going to examine the best age to use a scooter for a child and the related dos and don’ts.

Buy a scooter

The right time for a child to use a scooter

Although scooters are a wonderful tool to help children walk, they can be harmful if not used at the right age. The appropriate age to use a scooter depends on the child’s growth. Typically, babies can start using scooters at around 6 months of age when they can sit up and hold their head up; However, it is important to note that every baby grows at its own pace, and some babies may not be ready to use a scooter even by 10 months, so it is best to first A guide to the development of a 10-month-old child read and then start using the scooter for your child.

How long can a child stay on a scooter?

In general, it is recommended that babies do not spend more than 20 consecutive minutes in a scooter, as long-term use of this device can delay the development of important motor skills such as crawling and walking, and put the baby at risk of falls and other injuries.

The dos and don’ts of using a scooter

Some of the things you should be careful about when using a scooter for a baby are:

Remove hazardous materials

One of the main advantages of using a scooter is that it allows babies to feel independent and free, to be able to move around the room and explore their environment; However, you should keep breakable and dangerous items away from the child’s range of motion so that he does not injure himself while you are not paying attention.

Attention to the time of using the scooter

The scooter can help improve the development of motor skills such as balance and coordination of the baby. By being in a scooter, babies can learn how to move their legs in the right direction to propel themselves forward and how to use their arms to guide and control the direction of movement, which can prepare them for the transition to walking on their own. to help; However, you should not forget that the scooter cannot replace playing on the ground and exploring the surrounding environment by the child; For this reason, it is recommended when using a scooter for your beloved child When the baby walks Also pay attention so that you don’t neglect the timetable of his growth and you can introduce the child to walking on time.

Attention to the child’s interest

A scooter can be a great way for a child to interact with his surroundings. Also, the toys that are attached to the front of this device can stimulate the baby’s senses and help his child develop, but it is important to see if your child is interested in using this device or not. If the child does not want to stay in the scooter, do not force him, because you will cause anxiety in him.

Not replacing the scooter with walking

One of the main disadvantages of using a scooter is that long-term use can delay the development of important motor skills such as crawling and walking. Babies who spend a lot of time in a stroller may not have the opportunity to develop the strength and coordination skills needed to crawl and walk; For this reason, it is recommended not to leave the child in the scooter for more than 15 to 20 minutes.

Pay attention to the surrounding environment

Another disadvantage of the scooter is that due to sudden movements, it can expose the child to the risk of falling and injuries such as falling from sloping surfaces or stairs; Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the child if you are close to these environments.

Using a scooterUsing a scooter

Important points when buying a scooter

When buying a scooter, it is necessary to pay attention to the following points:

  • Look for scooters with a secure base, solid design and braking system.
  • Choose a scooter that can be adjusted to different heights as the child grows.
  • It is important to have a comfortable chair and a washable floor.
  • Look for a scooter that is made of durable materials that can withstand wear and tear.
  • It is better to consider lightweight and folding scooters.
  • Buy from reputable brands.
  • You know your child better than anyone else, so trust your instincts and buy the scooter that you feel is right for him.

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