Yellow is a passionate and warm color, which can be an attractive combination for your hands along with purple, which is a symbol of dignity and beauty. Purple and yellow are opposites in the color wheel and their combination will be suitable for all skin tones. If your skin is light and white, use lilac or lilac nail polish instead of purple. If you are in the wheat category, combine purple with yellow because this color enhances the warmth of your skin and has a special effect. For people with darker skin Different models of nail design with neon yellow And eggplant purple is suggested.
Simple nail model with purple and yellow nail polish
Our first suggestion is the simple combination of these two colors, you can paint each of your hands in the same color or apply a different color in between. You can even make your nail design simple by implementing some random or regular dots with a contrasting background color. This case is one of Simple models for nail design at home is considered
French purple and yellow nail design
This modern and stylish combination model is for those who both love French and want a bold and fresh combination. The classic, minimal model, along with flowers and reverse French are the best options for you if you are in this category and you will see some examples of these models below. You can also read from the article Purple French nails Also get ideas.
Beautiful ombre model
The combination of purple and yellow color with the ombre model will be very eye-catching and convey the sense of creativity well. This model is more suitable for formal situations with lilac and pale yellow nail polish.
Floral design with purple and yellow varnish
If you are a fan of girly designs and have a sensitive spirit, this model will be suitable for you, especially if it is designed with chamomile flowers. For these designs, pastel color has a more stylish effect and is a better choice in spring and summer. You can also delete Various models of flower nail designs get an idea
Yellow and purple varnish in a combined design
Yellow color, along with different shades of purple, creates a lively and fresh combination, which is simple with various designs and will be more attractive with geometric lines and the use of other colors. You can get ideas from the pictures below and design your nails more beautiful than before this time.
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