The properties and disadvantages of barberry for colds + 22 essential tips before consumption!

Barberry is one of the plants used in traditional and modern medicine to treat many health problems and diseases. Due to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties, this small and sour fruit is considered one of the effective natural treatments for colds. Many people use barberry in the cold seasons of the year, especially during the outbreak of viral diseases such as colds, to strengthen their immune system and reduce the symptoms of the disease. Next, we will examine the properties of barberry for colds.

Properties of barberry for colds

Anti-inflammatory properties of barberry

One of the outstanding properties barberry Its anti-inflammatory properties. during a coldInflammation of the throat and respiratory system is common and the use of barberry can help reduce these inflammations. Barberry contains compounds that can help reduce inflammation in the body, accelerate the healing process, and reduce the pain caused by throat inflammation. This anti-inflammatory property is especially effective in treating sore throats and bronchitis caused by colds.

Strengthening the immune system with barberry

The immune system is one of the main factors in dealing with diseases and viruses. Consumption of barberry due to existence Vitamin C And antioxidants can help strengthen the immune system. Vitamin C is known as an important factor in strengthening the immune system and can be very effective in fighting viruses that cause colds. Barberry also has antiviral properties that can help the body fight viral infections.

The effect of barberry in reducing fever

fever One of the common symptoms of a cold is that it usually increases when the body tries to fight the infection. Barberry can help reduce fever with its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. By strengthening the body’s immune system and reducing inflammation, this fruit can reduce the inflammatory process caused by viral infections and thus reduce fever. For this reason, consuming barberry extract or tea during fever can help to relieve this symptom more quickly.

Barberry and cough treatment

Cough is another common symptom of a cold, which is usually caused by irritation of the respiratory system and inflammation in the bronchi. Barberry with its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties can provide relief cough to help This natural plant reduces cough symptoms by reducing inflammation in the bronchi and improving the breathing process. Also, barberry can act as an antimicrobial agent against bacteria and viruses responsible for respiratory infections and prevent the spread of the disease.

The use of barberry in the treatment of sore throat

Sore throat is one of the most common symptoms of a cold, which is caused by inflammation of the throat and its mucous layers. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, barberry can help reduce inflammation and infection in the throat. Using barberry tea or even gargling its extract can relieve a sore throat and help reduce inflammation and improve the condition of the throat faster. This property of barberry has made it a popular natural remedy for sore throats.

Barberry and strengthening the function of the respiratory system

As a main factor in the entry and exit of air into the body, the human respiratory system is under pressure during a cold. Due to its natural compounds, barberry can help strengthen the respiratory system. By strengthening the lungs and reducing inflammation in the bronchi and respiratory tracts, this fruit can make breathing easier and reduce the severity of cold symptoms. For this reason, barberry consumption can be effective in preventing respiratory problems caused by colds and flu.

Improving the health of the liver and barberry in the treatment of colds

liver It is one of the important organs of the body that plays a big role in detoxification and cleaning the body from waste materials and toxins. The use of barberry can help to improve liver function, and in this way, toxins and harmful substances in the body that are caused by viral infections are eliminated faster. With its purifying properties, this fruit can help speed up the treatment of colds and prevent excess burden on the liver.

Barberry as an antibacterial drug

One of the other properties of barberry is its antibacterial property. Colds are usually caused by viral infections, but in some cases, bacterial infections may also be present alongside viruses. Due to compounds such as alkaloids and phenolic acids, barberry can resist various types of bacteria, including bacteria responsible for sore throats and respiratory infections. For this reason, barberry consumption can help treat colds and prevent the disease from becoming more complicated.

How to use barberry for colds

To benefit from the properties of barberry in the treatment of colds, it can be consumed in different forms. Barberry tea is one of the simplest and most effective methods. To prepare barberry tea, you can put a small amount of dried barberry in boiling water and drink it after brewing. Also, barberry extract can be consumed on a daily basis so that its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects start quickly.

Harms of barberry for colds

Digestive problems

Consuming too much barberry can cause digestive problems such as diarrhea, abdominal pain and bloating. This fruit may cause discomfort for some sensitive people due to its high fiber and fruit acids.

Harmful for people taking blood thinners

Barberry can affect the action of blood thinners and increase the risk of bleeding. Therefore, people taking blood thinners should avoid consuming barberry in large quantities.

Liver damage

Excessive consumption of barberry may damage the liver in some people, especially if people suffer from liver diseases. This fruit can put an extra load on the liver and cause problems if consumed a lot.

Blood pressure disorder

Barberry may lower blood pressure. People on low blood pressure medications should be cautious about barberry consumption, as it may cause excessive lowering of blood pressure.

Use during pregnancy

Barberry may cause uterine contractions and therefore is not recommended for pregnant women. Its use during pregnancy can increase the risk of miscarriage.

Skin allergies

In some people, consuming barberry may cause allergic skin reactions such as itching, redness, and swelling. These allergies are usually due to sensitivity to the compounds in barberry.

Excessive consumption causes poisoning

Excessive consumption of barberry may cause poisoning. Especially high consumption of barberry extract or its decoction can cause serious health problems. To avoid this poisoning, it is better to use a reasonable amount.

Negative effect on kidney function

Barberry can negatively affect kidney function, especially for people with kidney problems. Excessive use of this fruit may lead to problems in removing waste from the body.

Respiratory complications

Some people may experience breathing problems such as shortness of breath or severe coughing after consuming barberry. These side effects occur more in people who are sensitive to plant compounds.

Interference with diabetes medications

Barberry may affect blood sugar levels. Therefore, people taking diabetes medications should be careful with barberry consumption so that their blood sugar levels do not drop unexpectedly.

Anxiety and mental problems

Consuming too much barberry may cause anxiety and restlessness in some people. This effect is due to chemical changes in the body when consuming a lot of barberry.

Risks to children

Consumption of barberry, especially in children, may cause digestive problems and various allergies. Therefore, it is better to be careful when consuming barberry for children and consult a doctor if necessary.

Negative effect on teeth health

Due to its fruit acids, barberry may cause tooth enamel erosion. Consuming a lot of this fruit can gradually damage the teeth and cause tooth sensitivity.

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