Properties and harms of ginkgo biloba in traditional medicine + 21 essential tips before use!

Ginkgo biloba is one of the oldest medicinal plants in the world, which has unique properties in traditional medicine. Known as a “living fossil”, this plant has been used in traditional Chinese medicine and other Asian cultures for thousands of years. The leaves of this plant are rich in antioxidants, flavonoids and bioactive compounds that have amazing effects on human health. In the following, we will examine the therapeutic properties of this valuable plant from the perspective of traditional medicine.

Properties of ginkgo biloba in traditional medicine

Strengthen brain function and memory

Ginkgo biloba is known as one of the plants effective in strengthening memory and brain function. Consuming this plant increases the blood flow to the brain, as a result, more oxygen and nutrients reach the brain cells. This feature helps to improve concentration, learning and reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s and dementia. Traditional medicine believes that regular consumption of ginkgo biloba can prevent cognitive decline in old age.

Reduce anxiety and stress

Another outstanding property of ginkgo biloba in traditional medicine is its ability to reduce anxiety and stress is The active compounds in this plant can reduce the level of stress hormones and induce mental relaxation. Hence, many traditional medicine experts recommend that this plant be used as a natural way to manage stress and increase relaxation.

Improve blood flow

In traditional medicine, ginkgo biloba is considered as a plant that improves blood flow. This plant helps to increase blood circulation by dilating blood vessels and preventing the formation of blood clots. This property is not only beneficial for the health of the heart and blood vessels, but it can also help reduce pain caused by blood circulation disorders.

Reduce inflammation and pain

Inflammation is one of the main causes of many chronic diseases. By having anti-inflammatory compounds, ginkgo biloba can help reduce inflammation in the body. Traditional medicine uses this plant to treat inflammatory problems such as arthritis and muscle pain. Regular consumption of this plant can help reduce pain and improve the quality of life of patients.

Strengthening vision and eye health

In traditional medicine, ginkgo biloba is known as one of the useful plants for eye health. The compounds in this plant can reduce the damage caused by free radicals and prevent retinal damage. The consumption of this plant is especially recommended for people who are facing problems such as black water or reduced vision due to aging.

Strengthen the immune system

A strong immune system is essential to fight disease. Having strong antioxidants, ginkgo biloba can strengthen the body’s immune system and help prevent infections. From the point of view of traditional medicine, the use of this plant especially in the cold seasons of the year to prevent a cold And influenza is useful.

Reduction of premenstrual symptoms

For women who suffer from premenstrual symptoms such as mood swings, fatigue, and abdominal pain, ginkgo biloba can be a natural and effective option. Traditional medicine recommends using this plant to regulate hormones and reduce premenstrual symptoms. The compounds in this plant help to balance the level of hormones and reduce uncomfortable symptoms.

Help skin health

the skin As the first defense barrier of the body, it needs special care. Ginkgo biloba can help rejuvenate the skin due to its antioxidants. In traditional medicine, this plant is used to reduce wrinkles, skin spots and improve skin texture. Its regular use can make the skin look fresher and healthier.

Improving lung function

In some versions of traditional medicine, ginkgo biloba is used to strengthen the function of the lungs and reduce respiratory problems. This plant can help clean the lungs and reduce the symptoms of chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma and bronchitis. The compounds in ginkgo biloba reduce inflammation of the respiratory tract.

Harms of ginkgo biloba in traditional medicine

Possibility of bleeding

Ginkgo biloba has blood thinning properties. This feature can increase the risk of bleeding in people taking anticoagulant or antiplatelet drugs. For this reason, people who are undergoing surgery or have a history of bleeding should avoid using this plant.

causing allergic reactions

Some people may be allergic to the compounds in ginkgo biloba. This sensitivity can appear in the form of itching, redness of the skin, hives or even breathing problems. If you have a history of allergies, consult your doctor before using this herb.

Effect on the digestive system

Taking ginkgo biloba in some people may lead to digestive problems such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or heartburn. These side effects are usually caused by excessive consumption or sensitivity to plant compounds.

Increased heart rate

Some people experience palpitations or irregular heartbeats after taking ginkgo biloba. This complication can be dangerous for people with heart problems and should be used with caution.

Interference with medications

Ginkgo biloba may interact with various medications such as antidepressants, anticoagulants, diabetes medications, and some pain relievers. This interaction can decrease or increase the effects of drugs and as a result side effects.

Cause problems during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of ginkgo biloba during pregnancy and breastfeeding is not recommended, as it may cause complications such as bleeding during pregnancy or the transfer of harmful compounds to the baby through breast milk.

sleep disorder

Some people experience insomnia or sleep disorders after taking ginkgo biloba. This complication may be due to the effect of the plant on the nervous system and become a problem for people who are sensitive to sleep.

Aggravation of epileptic symptoms

In people with epilepsy, taking ginkgo biloba can increase the risk of seizures. There are certain compounds in this plant that may increase the excitability of the brain and aggravate the symptoms of epilepsy.

Sudden drop in blood pressure

Ginkgo biloba may lower blood pressure, which can be problematic for people taking blood pressure medications. A sudden drop in blood pressure can lead to dizziness and general weakness.

The possibility of poisoning with ginkgo biloba seeds

Ginkgo biloba seeds contain toxic compounds called “gincotoxins” that can cause poisoning if consumed in excess. The symptoms of this poisoning include nausea, vomiting, headache, and in severe cases, seizures.

Causing headache and dizziness

Taking ginkgo biloba can cause headaches or dizziness in some people. These complications are usually caused by increased blood flow to the brain or sensitivity to plant compounds.

Risk for people with diabetes

Ginkgo biloba can alter blood sugar levels, making it dangerous for diabetics who take blood sugar control medications. These changes may make diabetes more difficult to control and cause extreme fluctuations in blood sugar.

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