Correct use of a hot water bag (infants, pregnancy, body aches and periods)

Heat therapy is one of the effective methods to relieve inflammation and pain in different parts of the body if you use it correctly. Most women during menstruation in addition Recommended methods to reduce period painThey also use a hot water bag. How familiar are you with the correct way to use a hot water bag? In the following, we will discuss the details of this issue.

Types of hot water bags

It has several different types based on its type and efficiency, which we have discussed below.

Simple or plastic hot water bag

The simple model is made of resistant plastic, and the high temperature may cause skin burns in sensitive areas of the body.

Electric hot water bag

The electric type, having an internal element, heats the water and there is no need for boiling water.

Jelly hot water bag

The jelly model is made of non-toxic gelatin and is easier to use than other models.

How to use hot water bags

In the following, we have given tips for the correct use of the hot water bag according to its material, which prevents the occurrence of risks such as burns.

Filling the hot water bag is simple

The simple type should be manually filled with boiling water and allowed to cool down a little; Then put on the body. After use, empty the bag and let it dry and store it in a suitable place to keep it healthy for the next time.

Working with electric hot water bag

You must first fill the electric hot water bag with water; Then it is connected to the electricity through the connecting wire to be heated through the internal elements.

The method of heating a jelly hot water bag

You can put the jelly bag in the microwave for about 30 to 60 seconds and then use it or put it in boiling water and put it on the painful area of ​​your body after drying.

Correct use of hot water bag for babies

The skin of babies is very sensitive, and for this reason, the hot water bag you choose should have a tight lid and the cover should be made of soft fabric. If you have to use a plastic spa bag to relieve babies’ bloat or keep them warm, make sure it’s a small size and wrap it in a towel and then put it on your baby’s body. In order to use the hot water bag correctly, be careful that the water temperature is more than 40 degrees Celsius and it is dangerous to leave the baby alone with this device and only leave it on the baby’s body for 5 minutes.

Using a hot water bag for babies

The effect of hot water bag on period pain

During the period, the muscles of the uterus contract; As a result, pain occurs and one of the best Ways to treat painful menstruation Applying a warm compress is a good idea, for this purpose, you should place the spa bag on the abdomen and lower abdomen. On the other hand for Relieve heartache after period which may be caused by ovulation, it is also suggested to heat the desired area. The best way is to have 30-minute breaks between each warm-up of the back and abdomen. Keep in mind that the side effects of the hot water bag during the period are not so serious as to prevent its use, and the most important side effects should be the increase in blood flow in the uterine area and, as a result, the intensity of bleeding.

pregnancy and Correct use of hot water bag

You may also be wondering if using a hot water bag during pregnancy is recommended. In answer to this question, we must say that yes, there is nothing wrong with consulting a doctor. Among the problems of pregnant mothers can be headache, backthe pain And knee pain mentioned as a solution and one of Treatment methods for headache in pregnancy and relieving back and knee discomforts, A spa bag is recommended. For proper use, you should lie on your side and place the warm compress on your back; If you suffer from groin pain, place the bag between your legs. Be careful that the temperature of about 50 degrees and use in a period of 15 to 20 minutes will be the best.

Use of hot water bag during and after childbirth

With the doctor’s advice, you can put a hot water bag on your stomach at the same time as the initial labor contractions. If you gave birth by cesarean section, the pain will take away from you in the first weeks, so it is better to use a warm compress to relieve it, but remember to wrap the bag in a towel and place it on the abdomen because it may lead to the exacerbation of inflammation in the surgical area. to be

Hot water bag for pregnancyHot water bag for pregnancy

Warm compress to relieve neck pain

The fastest way to reduce pain in this area is to use a spa bag 2 to 3 times a day; So lie on your stomach and place a hot water bag on your neck to increase blood flow and reduce pain.

Treating back pain with a spa bag

to relieve the pain Waist, first lie down and Place the hot water bag with a temperature of 40 to 50 degrees Celsius on the desired area, while you can do this while sitting. It is also possible Back pain in pregnancy experience which is caused by spasms in the lumbar and pelvic muscles. You can also use a spa bag to improve back pain during pregnancy.

Spa bag for hair cyst

A hair cyst is a skin growth that occurs in many people. In addition to using Hair cyst home treatment methodsTo prevent infection and relieve pain, apply warm water compresses with a temperature of 40 to 50 degrees. If there are hair cysts on the face or other sensitive areas of the body, use a spa bag with a towel to prevent further burns and inflammation.

Correct use of hot water bag for eye pain

If you have eye pain or infection or suffer from eyelash swelling, the fastest way to reduce inflammation and Home remedies for eyelash The correct use of a hot water bag is to wrap a compress with a temperature of 37 degrees in a towel and place it on your eyes because The skin around the eyes and face is very sensitive.

Use of hot water case Use of hot water case

Tips for using a spa compress

To use the hot water bag correctly, you must follow the following safety tips:

  • One of the most important risks of this device is burns and inflammation caused by pouring boiling water on the skin, so make sure the lid of the bag is tight.
  • Always put the bag in a special cover so that it does not come into direct contact with the skin.
  • When pouring water into the bag, pay attention to the water temperature and let it drop a little below the boiling point, while for the electric type, there is no need to fill with boiling water and you can use cold water.

final word

The spa bag is very useful in home treatments, but if the pain and inflammation do not decrease after applying the hot compress, be sure to see a doctor. Now tell me when you use the spa bag? Share your comments with us on this page.

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