Absence is like a winning blade that blocks people’s communication channels and darkens relationships. When a person backbites and slanders another, he actually violates his privacy and destroys his trust completely. This act creates a deep wound on the heart of the abstinent person, which is not easily healed. A sense of insecurity, pessimism and resentment are among the psychological consequences of absence that can affect people’s lives; Of course, knowing that In what cases is absence allowed?can also reduce the guilt of the backbiting person, but in general, it has been said that it is better to avoid any backbiting and seek refuge in God against the temptation of Satan.
Remembrance of Prophet Elias (pbuh) for not backbiting
It has been narrated that one day one of the saints complained to Prophet Elias (pbuh): “People gossip a lot, while gossiping is one of the major sins, and no matter how much I advise them and forbid them from gossiping, they do not listen to me and do that ugly act.” They don’t leave.”
Hazrat Elias (AS) replied: “From now on, whoever enters the assembly, tell him to say: “In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Merciful, and peace be upon Muhammad and the family of MuhammadIn this case, God entrusts a property to the people of that assembly, so that whenever someone starts backbiting, that property will stop him from doing backbiting and ask the Almighty to keep that people from backbiting. Also, when someone says “In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Merciful, and peace be upon Muhammad and the family of MuhammadThe Most High sends a person who does not allow the people of that assembly to miss him.
Prayer of Imam Sajjad (a.s.) to avoid backsliding
The place of absenteeism in narrations It has been mentioned in different ways, but Imam Sajjad (a.s.) has a different solution for backbiting. In the 13th paragraph of the 20th supplication of the Sahifa of Sajjadiyeh, they do not prescribe abstinence for those who commit backbiting, but they provide simple instructions and prescriptions for the treatment of backbiting with the help of prayer and the Qur’an, so that a person becomes disinterested in those sins through these thoughts and remembrances and towards them. don’t go
Imam Sajjad (a.s.) prays in this way in the Makaram al-Akhlaq prayer:
O Allah, make us let the devil fall into my flock from wishing, thinking, and envy, remembering Your greatness, and thinking about Your power, and thinking about it. Aduk
O Allah, grant me that instead of what the devil throws in my heart (from false desire, suspicion and envy), I remember your greatness and think about your power and make a solution to repel your enemies.
Experienced Zikr to prevent absenteeism
Absence means talking and slandering a person in his absence, and it is considered one of the main factors of dispersion and division in the society, and instead of trying to empower, it causes unhealthy and sick feeling of victory in people. When people, instead of focusing on each other’s strengths, seek to discover the faults of others, trust and empathy between them is lost and an atmosphere of unhealthy competition and jealousy prevails in the society. This has gradually led to the weakening of social foundations and makes it impossible for people to live peacefully together.
One of the recommended and experienced recommendations to prevent the habit of this bad behavior is to take help from the following famous hadith:
Absence is worse than fornication
The sin of backsliding is greater than adultery
The above hadith has been reported in Shia and Sunni sources by quoting four companions of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) Abu Dhar Ghafari, Abu Saeed Khodri, Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari and Anas bin Malik. You can recite this hadith after five prayers and 100 times after each prayer with pure intention for 40 consecutive days, and after 40 days, God willing, your heart will be enlightened with divine light and you will stop gossiping.
Leave absence
Backsliding is one of those actions that Muslims have been prohibited from many times, and in case of doing this act, it is necessary to perform rituals such as expiation and asking for permission from the backsliding person. Strong prayers for protection from the evil of occultism And bad language is also recommended, but one of the best ways to get rid of backbiting is to cheat. Backbiting does not have any special customs and is done by agreement between several people and in a group, in such a way that several people make an agreement with each other not to backbite within a period of 40 days, and if they enter a group where people were backbiting, they will also change This practice is considered as a spiritual and moral exercise and its purpose is to strengthen self-control, improve social relations and create a positive atmosphere in individual and social life.
In the process of quitting backsliding, in addition to avoiding backsliding and negative talk, you can pay attention to the following dhikrs and prayers that help strengthen a positive spirit and self-improvement:
Mention of asking for forgiveness
Saying “Astagfir Allah” repeatedly is useful not only for asking for forgiveness, but also for cleaning the heart and mind from negative thoughts.
Remembrance of no god but God
This remembrance can help calm the soul and strengthen faith.
Surahs of the Qur’an
Reading Surahs Al-Fatiha, Al-Baqarah and Nasr can strengthen one’s spirit to persevere against the temptation of backbiting.
Kamil’s prayer
Kamil’s prayer It is known as one of the most famous supplications for asking for forgiveness and asking for mercy, and it can be useful in this situation.
Faraj prayer
Faraj prayer of Imam Zaman (a.s.) It is effective for seeking God’s help and strengthening hope and patience against problems such as leaving the occult.
triple remembrance
The three dhikrs of “Subhaan Allah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar” are effective in preventing backbiting and can help to calm the soul.
Mention of leaving absence
There are many supplications and dhikrs to avoid backbiting, which make Amara’s soul go away from this matter. Among them, we can mention repeating the following zikr after morning and noon prayers:
There is no god but Allah, and there is no power and no power except Allah, the Most High.
There is no God but the One God, and there is no power except with the help of God Almighty
Ayatollah Behjat’s solution to leave occultism
Ayatollah Mohammad Taqi Behjat (R.A.) has provided some solutions to give up backsliding, especially for people who have this unpleasant habit. They said that a person should first of all carefully monitor his language and speech and stay away from friends and acquaintances who encourage him to commit backbiting or gatherings that seem to be prepared for backbiting. Also, the backbiting person should pay attention to the fact that backbiting is a sign of weakness, confusion and self-deprecation, and before destroying another’s character, it actually shows and breaks the speaker’s character, but if the person turns his inner destructive force into a constructive force, in In a short time and by God’s grace, he will be able to surpass his competitors and grow without destroying others.
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