Not knowing about issues makes a person afraid and captive stress does It’s as if we lose control of our lives if we don’t know what will happen and what events await us. But uncertainty is part of life. How should we deal with this truth?
Uncertainty, uncertainty and not knowing about life events are a part of all of our lives. But usually cause anxiety will be We can become so anxious about not knowing things that we stop doing everything and imprison ourselves in our comfort zone.
David Spiegelhalter is a professor of statistics who has worked on risk and uncertainty for many years. According to him, life means taking risks, not knowing the outcome. But why is acceptance and acceptance of uncertainty important? In this article from “How”, we review the points of view of this British university professor.
Conscious ignorance, good or bad?
No one knows what will happen in the future or what exactly happened in the past. Another name for the term uncertainty, Conscious awareness of ignorance is We know that a person is ignorant about the world.
We have to live with uncertainty, but people’s reactions to this situation are different. Psychological studies show wide variation in people’s response to uncertainty. As our own experience is also vast. Some reactions are cognitive (way of thinking), some are emotional (feelings) and some are behavioral (actions). For example, when faced with uncertainty, do you deny or acknowledge it? Does uncertainty scare or embolden you? Do you avoid uncertainty or face it head on? It is natural that each person’s answer is different, depending on their situation. Just as people’s willingness to take risks is different at different times of their lives. For example, a person may take many physical risks but be cautious about spending.
Spiegelhalter, analysis and Data analysis and Risk assessment and managementHe considers possibilities as part of his job. According to him, several scales have been developed to measure how people cope with uncertainty. These scales were obtained by responding to statements ranging from “Unforeseen events make me extremely uncomfortable” to “Uncertainty paralyzes me when it’s time to act.” Those who scored higher had more difficulty tolerating uncertainty. These people are probably more at risk of developing anxiety and Clinical depression are
What is the reason for human tendency to not know?
Spiegelhalter believes that people’s attitude to the issue of uncertainty is diverse. Very few people want to know in advance what they will get for Christmas or birthday, or what the result of a pre-recorded football match will be, or want to go straight to the last episode of a mystery series.
In his lectures, Spiegelhalter usually asks one question: “Would you like to know right now when you’re going to die?” And only one out of 20 people give a positive answer to this question. These people say that they plan for their time planning while most people prefer not to know when they will die, even if it is possible to know this.
Since uncertainty is a part of human life, Can we learn how to live with it? “I’m smart enough to know how stupid I am,” says Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman, and he’s perfectly comfortable with the fact that he can’t figure it all out. “I can live with doubt, not knowing and uncertainty,” he says. These sentences are good examples of how to cope with the inevitable ignorance in human life.
But why are we hesitant? Why can’t we say exactly what will happen? Spiegelhalter faced this tantalizing question while writing his latest book, The Art of Being Uncertain. Is the mechanism of the world so complex and chaotic that the future cannot be predicted? Or, for example, because of subatomic quantum effects, there are a series of events and mysterious worlds in which everything is possible? What happens to the right to choose the Ashraf creations?
This issue does not require only rational analysis, because it is inevitable to feel for the events. Do you prefer to believe in an inevitable fate, such as a story that God has destined for us, or do you imagine that events happen in an irregular and mischievous sequence? Or do things happen because of people’s good and bad deeds? In this case, you have to ask, why do people do these things?
These philosophical questions are very personal. But it’s good to know that whatever the cause of uncertainty is, in the end, a person is unaware of many things and he just has to learn to live with this fact.
Is it in our interest to know everything?
For a long time, Spiegelhalter was the only professor of public perception of risk. Because of this, he was often asked how he deals with risk in his life. Does he calculate the possible risks and benefits of everything very carefully?
According to this university professor, this type of computational approach looks at risk as an analysis; But emotions cannot be separated from it. In fact, internal reactions to personal behaviors should also be considered. For example, we all know that exercise is good and that 20 minutes of moderate activity a day can increase life expectancy. But a person may do different sports just because they make him happy and feel good. Now, if someone doesn’t like sports, no statistical calculation in the world can force him to do sports. In the same way, the terrifying statistics of motorcycle accidents do not make anyone avoid it; Rather, a person’s sense of riding a motorcycle determines whether or not to do this.
The problem with the computational approach to risk is that it boils down to statistics. We often come across advice that (for example) says that drinking any amount of alcohol is dangerous or that there is no such thing as safe driving. But this is not a reason to ask everyone to stay at home and not go anywhere. It can even be said that a safe life is not possible, but no one can say to give up everything.
Everything in life is an equation. However, we may do some risky things just for personal pleasure. Boys and girls may want to have fun, but older people deserve it more.
Think of things you do just for personal pleasure and enjoyment. None of these things can be put into the equation. Maybe we should create a new unit of measurement to measure how much we enjoy throwing snowballs at our friends. But unfortunately, we are not able to do that at the moment.
We can have as much fun as we want, but one thing is certain: the good times will eventually come to an end. Consider the life of a domestic dog. He wakes up excited in the morning, barks if he is upset, and then very quickly forgets everything and goes to his game. He lives in the moment and accepts that he has no control over life, but with the same sense of uncertainty, he goes to the park and sniffs everywhere. When the time of his death comes, he withdraws into himself and quietly leaves this world. We are the same. There comes a time when we are no longer able to do the things we love.
Uncertainty: a positive or negative issue?
Uncertainty is a part of human life. You can’t run away from it and you can’t avoid it. Uncertainty can only be accepted and enjoy life alongside it. No science and calculation method can clarify all issues for us. So it is better to enjoy our conscious ignorance of the unknown!
What is your response to not knowing the issues in your life? Do you try too hard to figure things out, or have you gotten away with not trying to figure things out? If you know of a way to better deal with uncertainty, please let us and other readers know.howShare it.
Source: theguardian
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