Black Friday 1403 At the same time, most of the stores offering all kinds of goods in various fields, especially online, experienced very good sales by holding campaigns related to the Black Friday auction, providing special discount codes and applying real discounts on the price of their products.
What expensive goods were bought the most?
According to the statistics and figures published during the Black Friday 1403 special discounts, the best-selling products in terms of monetary value belong to the following four items:
- Jewelry
- Smartphones, especially Samsung and Xiaomi
- All spring gold coins
- Digital technology products such as smart watches and game consoles
For more information about this occasion, read in Star: What is Black Friday?
The usual best-selling products on Black Friday Azar 1403
High sales of products are not only limited to expensive products, and due to the real and appropriate discounts that were included on the prices of all kinds of products needed in the consumer market, other products also recorded good sales records. According to estimates, these items are as follows:
- Stationery and A4 paper packages
- Women’s hygiene products such as sanitary pads
- Lamps and other household items such as batteries
- Cultural products such as books
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