One of the important factors in Children’s anorexia What is less noticed is the lack of essential vitamins in the child’s body. Loss of appetite also causes general weakness of the body, changes in mood and disorders in the functioning of the nervous, digestive and immune systems. As a result, it can be said that the lack of vitamins associated with a child’s lack of appetite will decrease the quality of your child’s daily life. What is especially important in this case is proper nutrition; Proper nutrition and the use of sources that provide vitamins can provide all the nutrients the body needs for the timely and correct development of the child. In this part of the star, we name the vitamins whose deficiency causes your child’s lack of appetite, and we also describe the sources of each.
The negative effect of vitamin D deficiency on children’s appetite
Adequate levels of vitamin D in the child’s body provide energy and lack of premature fatigue, better health of bones and proper and natural appetite for eating. Any lack of vitamin D in the body, especially due to a decrease in appetite, will cause the general weakness of the child’s body.
- Sources of vitamin D for children: Fatty fish, beef liver, egg yolk.
It should be noted that food sources of vitamin D have only very small amounts of this vitamin, and in order to provide more amounts of vitamin D with the aim of helping to improve the functioning of the body’s organs, your child should be exposed to water at appropriate times for five to twenty minutes every day. be sunlight Also, to supply the vitamin D your child needs, you can use vitamin D supplements available in pharmacies under the supervision of a specialist doctor.
Vitamin B12 and its effect on the child’s appetite
Complications of vitamin B12 deficiency in children include lack of appetite and Child malnutritionlack of energy and muscle weakness. As a result of the lack of vitamin B12 in the child’s body, his desire to eat is reduced, and as a result, the child’s weight decreases. Difficulty in concentration and memory problems are other complications of this vitamin deficiency.
- Sources of vitamin B12 for children: Meat, poultry, fish, dairy, eggs, legumes and grains.
Among other sources of vitamin B12, we can mention the supplemental pill of this vitamin.
Also read: Effective ways and methods to treat anorexia in children
The effect of vitamin B complex on the loss of appetite in children
In general, group B vitamins are very effective on the correct and vital function of body organs. These vitamins include vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12, which we discussed before, as well as other B group vitamins, and improving the metabolism and functioning of the nervous and immune system is one of its other properties. Among the effects of this group of vitamins on children’s appetite, it should be said that the lack of group B vitamins has a negative effect on the child’s appetite and causes a decrease in his appetite and, as a result, weight loss. In addition, the lack of group B vitamins will cause your child to be tired, digestive disorders and moody.
- Sources of vitamin B1 for children: Whole grains, meat and legumes.
- Sources of vitamin B2 for children: Fish, eggs, dairy, almonds.
- Sources of vitamin B3 for children: Meat, chicken, fish, grains, mushrooms, potatoes.
- Sources of vitamin B6 for children: Meat, banana, carrot, milk, spinach.
It should be mentioned that you can get these B-complex vitamins in the form of syrup or tablets from the pharmacy and give them to your child according to the pediatrician’s prescription.
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