A selection of the most famous Korean proverbs with Persian meanings We have presented that you can use for Instagram posts, captions, stories and profiles.
등자 강이 어브다
Under the lamp, it is dark
Meaning: We may
Let’s ignore the obvious
Even when the answer is obvious to us
원숭이도 fell from the tree
Even monkeys fall from trees
Meaning: everyone, no matter how skilled and wise they are
They may be wrong
과부 설움은 프아미가 안다
A widower knows the sorrow of a widow
Meaning: people who are unhappy
They like to express their feelings to others
Or they find comfort in the distress of others
After you lose the cow, you repair the stable
Meaning: It is used to blame people
that when they should have done something, they did not do it
And they do it when it’s too late
Even if you get caught by a tiger
Keep your cool
to survive
Meaning: If you are in a difficult situation
You can overcome problems by keeping calm
자이 날다다
Clothes make the man
Meaning: This saying is to emphasize
The importance of dressing well is used
나말은 새가 다이 밤말은 쥐가 듣다다
The bird listens to the words of the day and the mouse to the words of the night
Meaning: If you know someone who spreads rumors
or speaks ill of others
You must take action
When you can dance to the beat of a Korean drum
Meaning: sometimes it is better to get help from others
If you don’t walk today, you have to run tomorrow
Meaning: Work today so you can rest tomorrow
다되 밥에 있에지 마라
Do not sprinkle ash on cooked rice
Meaning: This Korean proverb is used to command someone
that does not crash other programs
or not to spoil the moment
장맛이 싱다 장배기
Soy sauce tastes better than clay pot
Meaning: appearance seems unimportant
And the content is much better than the appearance
어물전 마신은 관륚giga makes it
It is the turtle that ruins the fish market
Meaning: The worse a person is, the more he takes away his colleague’s reputation
The frog cannot see its baby through the eyes of the enemy
Meaning: The younger ones should be valued
And he remembered that all of us were young and inexperienced one day
Writing Chinese characters against Confucius
Meaning: Someone who wants to teach someone something
That person himself is an expert in that matter
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