In recent years, a wrong view has developed among experts. These people believe that men are responsible for many of their sexual problems. For example, when a specialist discusses his client’s sexual problems with his colleagues, many of them believe that the man himself is the main culprit of these problems. They may even associate these problems with masturbation or watching pornography.
The interesting thing is that if the client is a woman and has the same problems as men, the expert’s answer will be very different. Professionals never say that women are responsible for their own sexual problems, and they never blame women for these problems. Instead, they immediately look for a solution to solve the problem. What is the reason for this different answer for men and women?
A look at sexual stereotypes against men
The answer to the question asked earlier should be found in “Male Sexual Stereotypes”. It all started when the “Masters and Johnson” research team published the results of their studies. This team consisted of William Masters and Virginia Johnson, who between 1957 and 1990 studied topics such as the response to human sexual needs and the diagnosis and treatment of sexual diseases.
Although their research is very valuable, it does not necessarily mean that all their findings are correct. Their research spread the belief in the society that “the answer to the sexual need in men is very simple.” They believed that in men, only one pattern to respond to sexual desire And there is a sexual need, while in women this pattern is very diverse.
Following this claim, such a false belief spread in the society that all men’s genitals are similar to each other. Experts believed that the structure and even the function of the sexual system between men are not different from each other and even the sensitive points on it are common among all men. This claim has been rejected with the help of modern studies.
Relationship between genital anatomy and male sexual problems
It is very questionable how sexologists can easily identify individual differences and variations in responding to women’s sexual needs, but for men, they limit the problem to just one simple answer.
It should be known that among men, the response to sexual need can have different forms. For example, even changes in the dimensions and size of men’s sexual organs can be related to the occurrence of some problems; Among these problems can be Premature ejaculation in men pointed out This issue clearly shows that even paying attention to the dimensions of the sexual system is very important for the treatment of men’s sexual problems.
The specific dimensions or shape of the male genital system can create a desire for different ways to respond to sexual needs. To put it simply, the building of this device is directly related to the problems or sexual needs of men. Some men have more sensitive genitals than others. For this very reason, it can be said that watching pornography or masturbation or men in general are not to blame for their sexual problems.
Physical stimulation and response to sexual need in men
Different levels of men’s sexual system sensitivity threshold (baseline sensitivity threshold), may lead to adopting different methods of response to sexual need in them. For example, when the genital sensitivity threshold is higher, the person will find ways to respond to their sexual needs with more intense stimulation. Of course, it should be known that there is a need for more research in this field.
Now the question that arises is: why has this false belief become a default belief that is reduced by masturbation, stimulation and sensitivity of the male genital system? Why is it not considered that cause and effect may be opposite? Sometimes people who are less sensitive may need more stimulation.
In recent years, by reviewing and re-examining Masters and Johnson’s model, researchers have come to the conclusion that there are several problems in this model. Contemporary researchers have found that the response cycle of men’s sexual need is actually very variable. The early models of Masters and Johnson’s research considered this cycle to be largely simplistic.
Blaming people for their sexual problems needs to stop
The purpose of all that has been raised so far is only one thing; Stop blaming people, especially men, for sexual problems. Every person, regardless of their gender, may experience some kind of sexual problems. The first response of experts when faced with this group of problems is usually to blame the person and make him/herself guilty; However, this answer is wrong and has nothing to do with masturbation or other factors.
There is no right or wrong way to physically stimulate the genitals; Provided that in the meantime you do not break any law and do not harm your body. The experience of pleasure and irritation in each person will be different depending on their body anatomy. Meanwhile, no solution can be considered good or bad, right or wrong.
A simple solution for a more enjoyable sexual experience
The type of physical arousal a person experiences in person is very different from the feelings they may experience during intimacy with their partner. The real and important issue that we should pay attention to is precisely this point.
Some of the pleasures and sensations that a person may experience during physical stimulation will not necessarily be experienced during sexual intercourse with others. As a result, when the mentioned feelings are not present by the person during sex, the possibility of certain problems such as lack of erection or sexual disorders Other, there will be.
The simple answer is to integrate personal physical stimulation strategies with sex. In other words, a person can use the actions he takes during physical stimulation during sex with others. Conversely, a person can perform physical stimulation in a way that evokes the feeling of real sex to the maximum.
The choice of each of these methods depends on the individual’s conditions. For example, when the sensitivity threshold of the male genital system is lower, the first solution can be more useful than the other. The reason is that in such a situation, a person will need more intense stimulation for a pleasurable experience. In any case, it should not be forgotten that in the meantime, there is no need to blame or shame.
The only thing that should be blamed; Misconceptions and lack of awareness
Many laymen and even experts believe that men are responsible for their sexual problems. They mistakenly believe that improper physical stimulation or other factors will lead to failure to experience successful sex. While it should be known in the meantime, several factors can be involved in the occurrence of male sexual problems, and masturbation has nothing to do with the occurrence of this category of problems.
In this how-to article, we told you why men are always blamed for their sexual problems. The truth is that the only thing to be blamed for is wrong beliefs and lack of knowledge about sexual practices. This article will surely help you to increase your knowledge in this field.
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