What day is World AIDS Day 1403? + Text about World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day congratulatory text and message

In today’s world, contracting AIDS can create a great challenge in people’s lives, a challenge that invades a person from all sides, from the complications of the disease to the behavior of those around them and feelings of guilt, and if others react incorrectly, it can destroy them. draw

In the following, on the occasion of Azar 11 (December 1), which is registered as World AIDS Day, a collection of the most beautiful Texts about World AIDS Day We have collected, with Coke be


We have to encourage people
to be trained
give a test
and participate in the fight against AIDS


What exposes us to AIDS
It’s our behavior, not life with sick people
Happy World AIDS Day


What day is World AIDS Day?

On World AIDS Day
Let’s all commit
With those who are fighting this disease
Be sympathetic
December 1, Happy World AIDS Day


AIDS is nature’s revenge
To violate the laws of nature
Happy World AIDS Day


World AIDS Orphans Day is a reminder that each of us can
Let us be a refuge for the tender and innocent lotuses that have experienced living in the marsh
Happy World AIDS Day


An educated child
To face all the challenges of life
From finding a job
To avoid diseases like HIV
It is better equipped
Happy World AIDS/HIV Day


Text about World AIDS Day
Text about World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day reminds us
We must treat people with this disease with respect and equality
Best wishes to AIDS patients


We should accept people with AIDS with open arms
To make this journey easier for them
Wishing health to all patients
Happy World AIDS Day


Healing lies in love
Let’s love each other more
Happy World AIDS Day


World AIDS Day is here to remind us
The only way to eliminate the fear and stigma of this disease
Education is to see and gain knowledge


Beautiful sentence about AIDS Day

Give our children love, laughter and peace, not a disease called AIDS!
Happy World AIDS Day


Coping with AIDS depends on changing our behavior
Dear World AIDS Day


Zero AIDS deaths
Zeroing labels and discrimination
Bringing new patients to zero
December 1 is World AIDS Day


World AIDS Day story

That people die due to AIDS
It is bad and sad enough
But no one should die due to ignorance and carelessness


If you judge people, you will not find time to love them
Happy World AIDS Day


The healthy appearance of people is not a proof of not being infected with the virus that causes AIDS
Take AIDS seriously


Don’t give up, keep going, be proud of who you are
And don’t let your illness stop you from moving towards the best
Happy World AIDS Day


A person’s infection with AIDS does not mean issuing a death sentence
Rather, he should be treated like a person suffering from a chronic disease
Happy World AIDS Day


The text of commemoration of World AIDS Day
The text of commemoration of World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day SMS

Teaching ways to deal with AIDS
The movement is from darkness to light
Happy World AIDS Day


Do not forget that the AIDS virus does not surpass the power of God
Happy World AIDS Day


Let’s not forget what exposes us to AIDS
It’s our behavior, not life with the sick!


By making young people aware of the harm caused by the consumption of psychoactive substances and alcohol
Prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS


World AIDS Day SMS

By strengthening self-esteem and life skills in young people
Protect them against AIDS and HIV
Happy World AIDS Day


On World AIDS Day, people decorate their clothes with red ribbons
Attention and care against HIV and AIDS have been noted
And to remind others that their commitment and support is needed

Hafez Koka's fortune teller

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