A collection of the purest Text and beautiful sentences about clean air For Instagram captions, profiles and stories
Let’s give clean air and blue sky to our children
Clean air cannot be bought, but it can be made
We are worth each other’s patience
We always have a place in our chest
Have you noticed how clean the air is?
When you and I like each other?!
The air is somehow dirty and polluted
All diseases can be blamed on him!
Air pollution means stopping life
Air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions,
It destroys the ozone layer and causes environmental crises.
Let’s not let the forest die, the world will die
Let’s write the environment; Let’s read life
Let’s give clean air and blue sky to our children.
Tree means oxygen, means water, means river, means food, means life.
We did not inherit nature from our fathers.
Rather, we borrowed it from our children.
Let’s not let the forest die, the world will die.
Keep the air clean
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