Good text for Instagram post (pure and beautiful sentences!)

Good text and sentences for Instagram posts

A collection of the latest Good texts for Instagram posts Along with pure and beautiful sentences for my caption and photo post


Beautiful minds inspire others.


Life is simpler and sweeter than we want
Let’s spend even a moment of it bitterly.


A good text for an Instagram post

Do not drown your life in your dreams
live your dreams


If you are afraid of the height of the sky, you cannot own the moon!


The most dangerous food in the world
Human appearance is deceptive..


A bird sitting on a branch
He is never afraid to break a branch
Because he did not trust the branch
Rather, he trusted his own wings
Always believe in yourself…


The world is full of players
Be the one who changes the game


A beautiful future will belong to those people
who believe in the beauty of their dreams with all their being
Always smile and say
I believe that it will happen


A seed grows without any sound but a tree falls with a loud sound.
Destruction with sound and creation without sound.
Grow in silence!


If you are looking for fault
Use a mirror, not a magnifying glass!


Good caption for Instagram post

Human wounds are his assets.
Let’s not cry out our wounds.


Life is short
smile while you still have teeth
life is short
Smile as long as you have teeth


What words remain unsaid inside me…
Blessed are you who know a poet!


A person finally takes one step, takes two steps,
He can no longer bring all the ancients by himself…


Time is like a river.
You can’t touch the same water twice.
Because he went with the flow and never came back.
Enjoy every moment of your life..


i am fine
But I miss those days
I could laugh from the bottom of my heart


Text for Instagram post of my own photo

live right now
there might not be a tomorrow
live now
Maybe there is no tomorrow..


In the throes of my astonishment at the rival’s arrogance
O Lord!
Why is that?
The beggar becomes valid


Life is simpler and sweeter than we want
Let’s spend even a moment of it bitterly.


Life is short
Time passes quickly
No repeats, no returns
So enjoy all the moments of life


And make a vow for a good state in the midst of the distress of the earth…


Around me is full of
Crumpled papers that
Each one is a memory
a pain
It is unsaid
And its place is a small bucket chest
which is the biggest rock of my patience


Happiness can be having a person
who knows how to make you feel better even from far away…


Pure and beautiful short sentences

The mountain is worn out by the fatigue of standing
Tired of going to the river
and man
Between standing and going


To people because of
Do not envy their share of happiness
Because the share of their sorrow is not seen..


think about the future
still books to read
Sunsets to watch
And there are friends to see…
The world still has its chaos!


The world is so vast
There is a place for all creatures,
So instead of taking someone’s place
Try to find your true place.


When someone tells you you can’t do it
Do it twice and take a picture!


Life is like driving through a plain full of flowers
that we should use all its moments
with the difference that at the end of the road there is a “no overtaking” sign with this phrase


Good sentence for Instagram post

And finally we will find
That opening of hope in the darkness of our days…


Listen before you act
Think before you react
Earn before you spend
Wait before you make a mistake
Forgive before praying
Try before you give up!

Hafez Koka's fortune teller

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