In 1991, the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) designated November 14 as World Diabetes Day introduced; This day coincides with the birthday of “Frederick Bunting”; Who along with “Charles Best” discovered insulin.
Due to the increasing number of people suffering from this disease, this day has been named with the aim of informing and informing the public about diabetes, its complications and treatment.
World Diabetes Day is the biggest awareness campaign in the world. Every year, this campaign attracts attention that is very important for people with diabetes; And it tries to put diabetes completely in the public and political attention.
Text about World Diabetes Day
When you have diabetes, you learn that life is sweeter than you want to celebrate it with artificial sweets. When you have diabetes, you respect your body more and you know that the sweetest things can lead to the bitterest ones. Let it be when they bring your health to the border of colorful diseases.
On the occasion of arrival November 14 which is decorated with the name of World Diabetes Day, below is a selection of the most beautiful World Diabetes Day congratulatory texts We have compiled a list that you can use for Instagram posts, captions, and stories.
Consume less and less sugar
It means more and more happiness
Happy World Diabetes Day
I wish you happiness and sweetness but not diabetes
I hope you have a healthy and happy life
Happy World Diabetes Day
World Diabetes Day greetings
Life is healthier without sugar
And sweeter without sugar
Happy World Diabetes Day
Nothing tastes as good as feeling healthy
So please do not add sugar to it
Happy World Diabetes Day
Funny World Diabetes Day text
No, I’m sweet enough myself 🙂
Happy World Diabetes Day
Insulin is not a cure but life support
I am able to do anything but make insulin 🙂
Happy World Diabetes Day
I am not sick
My pancreas is just lazy
Happy World Diabetes Day
World Diabetes Day greeting text
how bitter
What the doctors say
you are sweet
And I have sugar
Such a sweet language
You have given me work
Blood sugar from eating
Not more sugar than needed
Dear World Diabetes Day
Short text about diabetes
Come and raise your awareness on World Diabetes Day
And take steps to control your disease
One day we will be proud to say
I used to have diabetes!
Hope is the only thing stronger than fear
Do not be afraid of your illness
And stand firmly against it
Happy World Diabetes Day
When diabetes was diagnosed
Life becomes quite simple
And there are only two options
Surrender or fight it
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass
But we have to learn to dance in the rain
I hope you have a healthy and happy life
Happy World Diabetes Day
Less and less sugar
It is synonymous with
More and more happiness
Happy World Diabetes Day!
World Diabetes Day congratulation story
Let’s celebrate World Diabetes Day by getting together
and vow to eradicate it from our lives
Happy World Diabetes Day to everyone
Never underestimate the power of a diabetic
He has said no to many things and has managed his disease with a good lifestyle
Happy World Diabetes Day
Instead of denying diabetes, learn to embrace it
Be the master of your disease and don’t let diabetes define you
Happy World Diabetes Day my friend!
Diabetes is a challenge that must be faced every day
Get stronger day by day
And help others to overcome it
Happy World Diabetes Day
For many of us, diabetes is a lifestyle disease
And so we can control it in different ways
Happy World Diabetes Day to everyone
Prevention of diabetes only and only
By promoting a healthy lifestyle
Happy World Diabetes Day
Laughter is the best medicine
Unless you are diabetic
In that case, insulin is probably better!
Happy World Diabetes Day
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