All of us, the first time we hear the famous sentence “silence is the answer of fools”, we take a stand and try to question its validity with various reasons, but almost always all wise people come to the conclusion that this sentence expresses the absolute truth. slow
In the following two A short essay about the answer to idiots is silent We have prepared for teenagers, stay with us.
An interesting essay about the answer of idiots is silent
When I first heard the phrase “silence is the answer of idiots”, I laughed because I couldn’t believe that a sane person could say such a thing. Those days, I used to say to myself that if I keep quiet in front of those who do stupid things, misbehave with me, or say bad things to me, they will become angry and I will look oppressed and speechless, which I like at all. does not come
But later, when I thought more about this sentence, I realized that this sentence does not tell us not to talk to ignorant people or to ignore them, but it teaches us to keep calm in the face of ugly and useless words and Avoid engaging in fruitless discussions with these people.
When someone disrespects us, maybe our first reaction is to respond with the same tone and defend our rights, but don’t you think that this will only cause more conflicts and arguments because the other party is an idiot and If he wasn’t stupid, he wouldn’t have said these things. Therefore, insulting him means lowering yourself to his level, which makes him more agitated and leads to physical contact.
Meanwhile, our silence in front of these people can mean that we don’t need to answer their trivial words and we don’t like to spend our time on them at all. We exercise restraint because we value our energy and time, although restraint and patience in such situations is not an easy task, but it is necessary to be in this situation many times and practice patience in order to be able to do so without hurting feelings. Let’s keep silent in front of such people.
I have come to the conclusion that this beautiful sentence makes us experience more peace in life and over time stupid and rude people will move away from us and their place will be filled by good and polite friends.
Sometimes silence is the best answer.
A short essay on the answer of idiots is silent
A few days ago, we were sitting in the park with some of my friends and were playing, when suddenly a boy approached us angrily and said unpleasant things to me. His words were very ugly, but I realized that he confused me with another person and of course he had a rude and ignorant personality.
My friend Ali, who is always quick to lose his temper, showed a strong reaction upon hearing his words, and this caused the boy to become more angry and raise his voice. I didn’t let the matter go to narrow places and pointed to Ali not to say anything.
The boy was still talking with balls and dirty words. It was difficult for Ali not to react, but he followed my advice. We all looked at the boy in silence and did not answer him.
At first I thought maybe my silence was a sign of my fear and lack of self-confidence, but little by little I realized that this silence had its effect because after a few minutes of shouting, when the boy saw that we had gone to our own game and paid attention to He slowly lowered his voice and left without another word.
After he left, Ali wondered the reason for my silent reaction and I explained to him that sometimes silence is the best answer, especially in front of people who do not understand good language and are looking for attention.
After a few moments of pause, Ali laughed and said: “Now I remember, the answer to fools is silence!” And we all laughed out loud!
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