All kinds of infections, physical damage and autoimmune diseases cause mouth ulcers. Also, the lack of vitamins, lack of minerals and the use of various drugs can be considered as the cause of mouth ulcers. Pain, redness, swelling, difficulty eating or speaking are the most common symptoms of mouth ulcers. Each type of ulcer, such as herpes simplex virus or Candida, has different symptoms.
You should see a dentist or ear doctor after encountering this disease. After diagnosing the cause of the mouth ulcer, this specialist will use several treatment methods. The most effective methods of treating mouth ulcers include painkillers, antiseptic mouthwashes, antiviral, antifungal or anti-inflammatory drugs. A variety of home remedies (such as salt water) will also be effective in relieving symptoms.
The most important ways to prevent mouth ulcers are maintaining oral and dental hygiene, eating healthy, avoiding stress and taking care of dentures. By reading this article from DoctorDoctor medical and health magazine, you will get to know the types of mouth sores such as sores caused by autoimmune diseases and sores caused by physical injuries such as biting the tongue, burns and allergies.
What is a mouth ulcer?
Mouth ulcers are painful sores that usually appear on the inside of the lips, cheeks, or tongue. These wounds are often white or yellow with a red border and no specific cause is known for them; But factors such as weak immune system, stress, sensitivity to certain foods such as coffee, chocolate and citrus fruits, lack of nutrients and damage to the mouth play a role in their occurrence. These ulcers are contagious and are more common in children and teenagers. Wounds usually heal within one to two weeks; But sometimes, in chronic cases, they return repeatedly, which requires an examination by a person with dental expertise.
Dentistry examines the conditions of the mouth and teeth. The dentist can diagnose the problems of this part of the body and treat them. Dental specialists help maintain the health of your teeth and gums with regular dental examinations and can perform a variety of oral health treatments, including dental fillings, crowns, and bridges. Dentist doctor It has many duties and one of the most important of them is teaching oral and dental hygiene. This helps prevent complications in the mouth or other parts of the body.
What are the types of mouth ulcers?
Oral ulcers include three main types: small ulcers, large ulcers, and herpetiform ulcers. Canker sores are the most common type of mouth ulcer and appear as small round sores in the mouth. Big wounds are bigger and deeper than small wounds and they take several weeks to heal. Herpetiform wounds are also rare and require care as very painful and numerous wounds.
Aphthous Ulcers
Oral ulcers are the most common oral ulcers that appear as small, round or oval, painful sores in the soft tissue of the mouth, such as the lips, cheeks, and tongue. Canker sores are usually divided into the following three types:
- small pests; The most common type and recovery within one to two weeks
- major pests; The larger the diameter, the longer the healing time and the possibility of scarring
- Herpetiform pests; Appearance in the form of several small and interconnected and very painful wounds
- Mouth ulcers are usually caused by genetic factors, weak immune system or stress.
Cold Sores
Oral herpes, caused by herpes simplex virus type 1, appears as fluid-filled blisters around the lips and outside of the mouth. This mouth ulcer is contagious and first it is in the form of blisters and then it gradually dries up and a crust forms on them. Oral herpes is activated when the body’s immune system is weakened, such as stress or illness, and may be accompanied by fever, pain, and fatigue.
Are mouth sores contagious?
Oral ulcers are not contagious and cannot be passed from one person to another. Types of mouth sores that appear as white or yellow spots inside the mouth usually occur due to factors such as stress, weak immune system, or nutritional deficiencies. Since these wounds are not caused by viral and fungal infections, they will not be transmitted through contact or shared use of utensils. While cold sores or herpes sores that develop outside the mouth and around the lips are very contagious.
What are the causes of mouth ulcers?
Types of mouth ulcers are caused by various causes such as viral, bacterial and fungal infections or weak immune system. For example, canker sores, one of the most common types of mouth ulcers, occur due to stress, vitamin deficiencies (such as B12 and iron), and food allergies. Also, oral herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1, which is activated when the immune system is weak. In the following, we have discussed the most important causes of mouth ulcers:
Physical injuries
Physical injuries to the mouth, such as unintentionally biting the lip or the inside of the mouth, are one of the most common causes of mouth ulcers. These injuries often occur when a person makes a mistake while eating or speaking. Also, scratches caused by rough brushing or use of dental appliances such as ill-fitting dentures will lead to oral ulcers. Mouth ulcers after orthodontics are usually caused in this way. These wounds usually heal after a few days, but if proper care is not taken or an infection develops, healing may take longer.
stress and anxiety
Stress and anxiety play a significant role in causing mouth ulcers. Psychological stress weakens the body’s immune system and causes mouth ulcers. Research has shown that the increase in stress hormones disturbs the balance in the oral mucosa and causes its irritation. For this reason, people under a lot of mental pressure are more prone to mouth ulcers. Stress management through breathing exercises, meditation and a healthy lifestyle will help reduce the incidence of these ulcers.
How is mouth ulcer diagnosed?
To diagnose a mouth ulcer, the doctor uses a careful clinical evaluation. This evaluation includes examining the appearance and location of the sore in the mouth, which helps the specialist determine the type of sore, such as canker sores or cold sores. Oral ulcers are created in different parts of the mouth such as lips, cheeks and tongue and they are different based on their appearance. In certain cases, the otolaryngologist or dentist will perform additional tests, such as blood tests or biopsies, to more accurately identify the cause of the mouth ulcer.
The purpose of these tests is to check for infections or underlying problems such as vitamin deficiencies or autoimmune diseases. This process helps these specialists to prescribe the most suitable mouth ulcer treatment for the patient. Correct diagnosis is essential to manage symptoms and prevent recurrent ulcers.
How to prevent mouth ulcers?
Prevention of mouth ulcers includes simple measures that help reduce the risk of this condition. In the following, we have mentioned the most effective preventive measures to prevent mouth ulcers:
- compliance with oral and dental hygiene; Regular brushing and flossing help to clean and reduce bacteria in the mouth. Using soft toothbrushes reduces the possibility of damage to oral tissues.
- reducing consumption of stimulant foods and drinks; Avoiding eating hot, spicy, acidic foods and alcoholic beverages will prevent oral tissue irritation and oral ulcers.
- stress management; Stress and mental pressures cause oral ulcers. Relaxing exercises such as yoga and meditation prevent mouth ulcers by reducing stress.
- taking vitamins and supplements; Deficiency of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B12, folate and iron increases the risk of mouth ulcers. Consuming food or supplements containing these substances will be very effective.
- prevention of mechanical damage; Eating calmly, using proper dental equipment and avoiding unwanted biting of the lips and cheeks will reduce the possibility of oral ulcers.
If, despite taking these measures, you still experience the symptoms of mouth sores, be sure to visit a dental specialist to accurately identify the cause of the mouth sore.
A dentist is a specialist in diagnosing, treating and preventing oral and dental diseases as well as improving the beauty of a smile. In this regard, the dentist offers a variety of services, including tooth repair and reconstruction, dental cavity filling, jaw bone strengthening and reconstruction (bone removal), scaling, implants, orthodontics, and nerve removal.
This specialist makes his patients aware of the importance of daily health care and teeth cleaning by carefully examining the condition of the mouth and teeth and providing the necessary advice. These measures not only help maintain oral health, but also prevent serious problems in the future.
If you need dental services, you can through The appointment system of the DoctorDoctor site Easily book your dentist appointment and benefit from expert advice. Regular visits to the dentist and periodic examinations can prevent serious dental problems in the future and help improve your quality of life.
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