What is the reason for the wind coming out of the vagina? Is it a sign of pregnancy? + Treatment

The reason for the wind coming out of the vagina

The reason for the wind coming out of the vagina

Wind coming out of the vagina is a common and common and natural complication among women, which is caused by air in the vagina and it creates a sound similar to the sound of gas coming out of the stomach, and it may sound like a bubble coming out of the vagina. Create a vagina for the person. This complication is caused by various reasons, and here we will fully investigate this phenomenon Reasons for the wind to come out of the vagina we pay

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What is the reason for the wind coming out of the vagina?

As it was said above, gas coming out of the vagina among women is a natural and normal phenomenon that is generally not alarming and if it occurs there is no need to go to the relevant doctor, but it is one of the natural and normal reasons that cause this phenomenon. reasons such as weight gain, sex, use of a menstrual cup, childbirth or pregnancy, exercise, but it is better to know that in some cases the reason for these gases coming out of a person’s vagina may be due to the occurrence of a disease. Or a fungal infection may occur, in which case you should consult a doctor to treat this condition.

The cause of wind coming out of the vagina during intercourse

One of the most common and obvious reasons for wind to escape from a woman’s vagina occurs during intercourse, which is caused by the continuous movements of the male penis in the vagina, which causes air to enter and trap it in the vagina, and after orgasm. Also, when the muscles of the female reproductive organs are released, this trapped air is released and creates this phenomenon.

It should be noted that in some cases, the rough form of oral sex also causes this phenomenon and the exit of these winds.

What is the cause of wind coming out of virgin girl’s vagina?

The discharge of wind from the vagina does not happen only to women and it is possible that virgin girls also face this phenomenon for various reasons, among the reasons that cause this condition in virgin girls can be weight gain, doing some movements He knew that this phenomenon can be prevented to a large extent by doing Kegel exercises and exercises that strengthen the pelvic muscles.

One of the most obvious concerns of virgin girls when these winds come out is damage to their hymen, and it must be said that the wind coming out of a virgin girl’s vagina does not harm her hymen in any way, and there is no need to be afraid of this. There is no title.

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The cause of wind coming out of the vagina during intercourseThe cause of wind coming out of the vagina during intercourse

Is the wind coming out of the vagina a sign of pregnancy?

One of the reasons for this complication is the dilation or loosening of the vagina, during pregnancy, the vagina is also dilated and loosened, and these reasons cause gas to come out of the vagina, as well as hormonal changes at the beginning of pregnancy. The period of pregnancy also helps to create this phenomenon.

It is necessary to know that the exit of these winds during pregnancy is not under the control of the mother in any way and should not cause her embarrassment, but for some people, the exit of these winds during pregnancy is worrying, and in this regard, it must be said that the exit of wind from The vagina during pregnancy is not dangerous in itself and does not pose any danger to the mother and the fetus, unless it is accompanied by foul-smelling vaginal secretions, or abdominal pain, or constipation for more than a week, in these two cases, you should immediately consult a doctor Because in these cases, the mother has a vaginal infection during pregnancy, which can be dangerous for both the mother and the fetus.

Treatment of vaginal discharge in traditional medicine

Herbal treatment can also be used to get rid of wind from the vagina, which includes the use of some natural creams or the consumption of herbal teas containing a mixture of herbs such as chicory, celery seed and chicory seed at least once a month. Take a small amount of each of them equally and brew it with a cup of boiling water and drink it after brewing.

You can also grind 60 grams of black cumin with 20 grams of herbs such as celery seeds, ginger, cloves, cardamom and mix it with some honey and take it once every 6 hours in the amount of a tablespoon for several days. Enjoy, but be aware that consuming any of the mentioned items during pregnancy without consulting a doctor can be dangerous for both the mother and the fetus.

Also read: Triamcinolone ointment for vagina

last word

We hope that these contents in Alamo titled What is the reason for the wind coming out of the vagina? Is it a sign of pregnancy? + May the treatment be useful for you companions of Alamo and enjoy reading it.

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