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Ghazal No. 364 of Divan Hafez: We have lost our heart without regret
We have lost heart without regret
Along with the love and the same breath, our cup of bade ember has drawn many bows of blame
We are open to our work
O flower, you have taken a hot morning shower
We are those anemones that are born with heat
Pir Moghan was moved by our repentance
Let’s make it clear that we are standing for an excuse
The work is done by you, you are the reason
We judge and we are lost
Because you see a tulip and a cup in the middle of work
Look at the pain that we have put on the bloody heart
You said that what is the keeper of all these colors and ideas?
The wrong role is that we are the same simple board
The interpretation of Hafez’s ghazal number 364 in your horoscope:
Be careful that failures do not discourage you and do not become weak on the way to your goal. Use the experience you have gained along the way.
Don’t let the sarcasm and slander of envious people and enemies make you sad. In order to achieve success, you must act with wisdom and tact and weigh all aspects.
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