We all believe that students are successful when they can get good grades in their studies and make their parents and teachers proud, however, success cannot be summed up only in studying and there are many other characteristics that are a knowledge. They make the student a successful student.
In the following two Simple essay about successful student for the class Third to sixth We have prepared, stay with us.
Short essay on who is the successful student?
A successful student is a student who always works hard and studies well to get good grades. He always does his homework on time, listens to the teacher and when he doesn’t understand a part of the lesson, he asks the teacher questions so that he can learn well.
Such a student always sits quietly in class and does not talk to his friends because he knows that this is disrespectful to the teacher and the classroom. He is not only successful in his studies, but he also tries to observe order and put his books and notebooks in his bag in an orderly manner. His clothes are always clean and tidy and his discipline score is 20.
A successful student is kind to everyone and tries to help others and helps his classmates if they are in trouble. Such a student always plans for himself and never wastes time, but knows very well when he should study, when he should rest and when he can play.
In the end, I must say that a successful student has a plan for his future and makes all his efforts so that he can achieve his goals by studying and become a useful person for his society.
We all try to be a successful and exemplary student and do our best to study well, but is a successful student only getting good grades in his studies?
In my opinion, a successful student is someone who loves to learn new things and that is why he is very curious, and this curiosity is not only in school, but he asks his parents, teachers and friends his questions or to get the answer, He reads various informative books.
He appreciates time and is always punctual. He always comes to school on time and knows very well what he wants to do in his spare time. He also works very well in group work and behaves well and politely with others.
Such a student always sets a goal for himself and does not stop trying until he reaches his goals. For example, he thinks about his future job from a young age, and according to the job he has chosen, he tries to study well to reach his goal.
All the teachers and parents of the school are satisfied with the successful student and make him a role model for the rest of the students. Also, the parents of this student are proud to have such a child because he always treats them with respect.
A student who wants to be successful in his life does not only think about himself, but also tries to help others, including his classmates, and do good deeds so that God is pleased with him.
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