Kind people not only make the world more beautiful for others, but also make them feel good and experience pure and true happiness in the depths of their being.
In the following two Short essay about kindness For elementary students Third to sixth We have prepared that we hope will inspire you, stay with us.
A beautiful essay about being kind
Kindness is one of the good things that God loves and it means to treat others well and help them to solve their problems more easily.
We all love kind people and we are happy when we are with them. That’s why we should be kind to our family members, friends and all humans and even animals and plants. For example, we should help our parents and respect them, when our friend is sad, we should sit next to him and talk to him so that he feels better, and when we see a hungry cat on the street, we should feed him so that he is satisfied.
In my opinion, the world would be a much better place if all of us were kind. Then there will be no more war and killing and all people will be able to live in peace and happiness.
At school, we should be kind to all our classmates and students. For example, yesterday, I saw one of the students fall down in the school yard, and another student quickly went to him and lifted him up. He also helped her clean her clothes. I think he was a very kind person.
If we are kind, God will love us more and make others be kind to us and help us in our problems. Also, by being kind, we can become better people and make the world a better place.
Let’s just imagine for a few moments how much more beautiful the world would be if all people cultivated kindness and love in their hearts, had a good feeling towards other people and helped each other, a world in which no trace of There was no more war and bloodshed, no more hungry children lay on their beds, no more deaths due to disease due to poverty, no more animals were killed and maybe even no more trees were cut down.
Kindness is one of the most beautiful behaviors that we humans can have. Kindness means a big heart and a helping hand. It means that if a person needs help, we rush to help him with a heart full of love. Having other people’s grief…
However, the only way to be kind is not to help, but sometimes a smile, a pleasant word or a kind look can inject kindness into others. Yes! The good news is that we have thousands of ways to be kind and the bad news is that we make thousands of excuses to be unkind in different situations and for any reason.
We must know that kindness is a light that not only lights the way for others whom we love, but also for us and with kindness we make ourselves happy in addition to others.
Undoubtedly, our world today needs kindness more than anything. I also try to use every excuse to be kind. For example, in the bakery line, I give my turn to a friend who is in a hurry to get bread sooner, I help the elderly to cross the street, I listen to my dear sister’s heartache, and I sprinkle seeds for the sparrows in our alley.
At the end of Enshaim, let us remember that kindness has an effect that remains in our lives for the rest of our lives. God is kind and loves to show us kindness. So we can give this feeling to ourselves and others.
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