Colposcopy is a diagnostic method that is used to closely examine the cervix, vagina and vulva. In this method, the doctor uses a device called a colposcope, which is similar to a large microscope and allows the observation of abnormal tissues with greater magnification.
This test is usually recommended for women who have abnormal Pap smear results. If abnormal areas are found during colposcopy, a biopsy may also be taken to send the tissue to a laboratory for further examination.
This method can be useful in diagnosing diseases such as cervical dysplasia, genital warts and cervical cancer.
People who live in big cities need more women’s health screening tests because the lifestyle and type of nutrition in these cities are more different than in smaller cities.
to do Colposcopy in Tehran Refer to obstetrics and gynecology clinics or specialist doctors who have the ability and necessary equipment to perform this test.
What diseases does colposcopy help to diagnose?
Colposcopy helps in the diagnosis and evaluation of several diseases and abnormal conditions related to the female reproductive system, including:
Cervical dysplasia: It includes precancerous changes in cervical cells that can turn into cancer if left untreated.
Cervical cancer: Colposcopy can be useful for early detection of cervical cancer and to determine the extent of its spread.
3. Genital warts (human papilloma virus or HPV): This method can help identify the lesions caused by the HPV virus.
4. Inflammation and infection of the cervix (cervicitis): It can help diagnose problems caused by infections and inflammations.
5. Lesions and abnormal changes of the vagina and vulva: In some cases, colposcopy is also used to evaluate abnormal areas or lesions in the vagina and vulva.
In which centers is colposcopy performed?
You can go to a gynecologist’s office or clinic for a colposcopy test. Colposcopy tests are performed in many hospitals with obstetrics and gynecology specialists.
If you are looking for a colposcopy specialist in Tehran, we suggest Dr. Atefeh Nazari, a colposcopy specialist.
At what age is colposcopy recommended for women?
Colposcopy is generally not limited to a certain age, but depends on the health status and the results of related tests. This method is usually recommended in the following situations:
Women over 21 years old: A colposcopy may be recommended if the Pap smear (cervical cytology test) has abnormal results or there are signs of high-risk HPV infection.
Women over 30 years oldIf the pap smear test with the HPV test has suspicious or abnormal results, colposcopy is suggested for a more accurate evaluation of the cervix.
At any age in case of suspicious symptoms: If women of any age have abnormal symptoms such as unusual vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, or genital warts, a colposcopy may be recommended for a more accurate diagnosis.
In general, colposcopy is performed more based on clinical need and the results of previous tests, and age alone is not a determining criterion.
What are the colposcopy results based on?
Abnormal changes in the tissues and cells of the cervix indicate cervical dysplasia (precancerous lesions).
These changes may be caused by human papilloma virus (HPV), hormonal and genetic factors.
Cervical dysplasia is usually detected by colposcopy before the development of cervical cancer, and cancer can be prevented with timely treatment.
Colposcopy examines the amount of cell changes and expresses the changes of cervical neoplasia in criteria called CIN.
In interpreting the results of the colposcopy test, CIN has different types, which are as follows:
Mild cervical dysplasia (CIN1): It indicates that only one third of the cervical mucus is involved in abnormal cells.
Moderate cervical dysplasia (CIN2): It indicates that two-thirds of the cervical mucus is involved in cancerous and abnormal cells.
The initial level of cervical cancer (CIN3): The highest level of involvement of the cervical mucus is with abnormal and cancerous cells, which is also called carcinoma in situ.
Under what conditions does the colposcopy specialist recommend a biopsy?
If the colposcopy specialist observes abnormal tissues and cells during the test, he will recommend a biopsy of the cervix.
Cervical biopsy involves removing part of the abnormal tissues, these samples are sent to the laboratory for examination, and then it is confirmed whether they are cancerous or non-cancerous.
Does the colposcopy test require anesthesia?
Colposcopy does not require anesthesia or anesthetic, but if the biopsy is in a sensitive area, local anesthesia can be used.
Does colposcopy hurt?
Colposcopy is usually painless. After colposcopy, you may feel burning and cramping due to the pressure that the speculum exerts on the vaginal walls.
What is the difference between pap smear and colposcopy?
In the colposcopy test, a device called a colposcope is used to examine the cervix, so it is more accurate than the Pap smear test.
Pap smear is a simple and non-invasive screening test that is performed to detect abnormal cell changes in the cervix. In this method, the doctor collects a sample of cells from the surface of the cervix and sends it to the laboratory for examination.
The main purpose of Pap smear is early detection of precancerous changes or cervical cancer, so that treatment is possible before it progresses to a more severe stage.
Colposcopy, on the other hand, is a more advanced diagnostic procedure that is performed when Pap smear results are abnormal or there are suspicious symptoms.
In this method, as mentioned earlier, the doctor uses a device called a colposcope, which is similar to a microscope, to examine the cervix, vagina, and vulva more closely to identify abnormal areas. If suspicious tissue is seen, a biopsy may be performed.
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