List of boy names
name Delenia From the beautiful Kurdish girl names and from Girls’ names starting with the letter d It has had many fans in recent years due to its meaning and beautiful sound. If you are going to name your newborn child Delanya and you are looking for its meaning, origin, frequency and similar names, stay with us in the rest of this article.
The meaning of the name Delanya
Name: Delnia (girl) (Kurdish) (pronounced: delniyā) (Persian: دلنيا) (English: delniya)
Meaning: Peace of mind, sure, assured, assured, guaranteed
Type of noun: | girlish |
Origin of the name: | you did |
Ability to register in the civil registry office: | This name is in the list of names of Civil Registration Organization. |
Frequency: | 127 |
Similar names
Boy names similar to Delnia
Delavar, Delir, Datis, Dadfar, Dadmahr, Dara, Daria, Dariush, Dana, Damon, Daniel, David, David, DianeDaran, Darman
Girls’ names similar to Delnia
DelsaDelightful DelvanDelina, Delara
Abjad is the name of Delnia
- Abjad Kabir, the name Delnia is equal to: 95
- The minor abjad of the name Delnia is equal to: 14
Text and photo written by the name of Delnia
Delniai baby
I can read in your eyes how much you love me…
When tears flowed from my eyes and you knew from my tears that I love you…
Feel what is going on in my heart with all your being…
My heart is not like other hearts, it cannot break anyone’s heart!
When you are by my side, what reason do I have to look into other people’s eyes?
If you are mine, what is the reason for me to want to love you!
Delenia my darling;
Baby! I pour my most beautiful moments to your simplest minutes so that you know that I love you only for you.
Dedicated to the one whose sun shines in my heart and never sets.
I always love you…
Delniai I am kind
loving you
It has no size
It does not require volume
When the whole country exists
The land is your rule… “My wife”
I am the best my daughter Delenia i
Your arrival was the beginning of my romance
My house was lit up and flourished with your light…
last word
Any name that you as a parent choose for your child must pass the filter of the country’s civil registration organization and be able to be registered in this organization. Delnia, among others Girls’ names ending in A is What do you think about the name Delnia? Do you know other names similar to Delenia? Please share your valuable comments with us and other star users.
You can also read to learn about other girls’ names More than 300 new and beautiful girl names and 240 beautiful, classy and modern girl names Read in the star.
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